BETs and CAs in this Category

You Are In: All categories » Speciality » Surgery
Surgery » ENT
  Green: complete   Lateral neck x-rays are not indicated in the emergency department management of suspected fish bone impaction.
  Green: complete   Little evidence for either packing or cautery in anterior epistaxis
  Green: complete   Steroids only indicated for Bell's palsy with complete paralysis
  Blue: submitted but not checked There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Is penicillin V or cephalosporin more effective for sore throats?
  Green: complete   Do grommets prevent language delay?
  Green: complete   Myringotomy in traumatic haemotympanum
  Green: complete   Antibiotics for otitis media
  Green: complete   Cautery or cream for epistaxis in children
  Green: complete   Steroids in sudden sensorineural hearing loss
  BET Title Available 215 Months   Systemic or topical antibiotics in otitis externa
  Green: complete   Antibiotics in orbital floor fractures
  Green: complete   Acyclovir was not shown to be effective in Bell's palsy
  Green: complete   Effervescent agents for oesophageal food bolus impaction
  Green: complete   Buscopan for oesophageal food bolus impaction
  Green: complete   To Stab or Slash: the percutaneous dilatation or standard surgical approach to cricothyroidotomy in prehospital care
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Nasal foreign bodies
  Green: complete   Are topical corticosteroids superior to systemic histamine antagonists in treatment of allergic seasonal rhinitis?
  Yellow: electronic pre-print   Anterior epistaxis - does cooling decrease bleeding?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   In a febrile child, how useful C-reactive protein is in differentiating between acute bacterial and viral otitis media?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Do Steroids Reduce Symptoms in Acute Pharyngitis?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Antibiotic prophylaxis in traumatic perforation of the tympanic membrane
  Green: complete   Do nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs increase the risk of bleeding after tonsillectomy
  Green: complete   Does the clinical finding of ear wax exclude the finding of otitis media?
  Green: complete   Proteolytic enzymes for oesophageal meat impaction
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Do antibiotics work for tonsillitis caused by infectious mononucleosis?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Antibiotics for Maxillary Sinusitis
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Acute Management of Peritonsillar Abscess (Quinsy)
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Ear Foreign Body Removal
  Green: complete   Inflatable nasal tampons are less painful than dry hydrophilic nasal tampons
  BET Title Available 181 Months   Are throat swabs and rapid antigen tests helpful for improving treatment of sore throat?
  Green: complete   Can throat examination distinguish between bacterial and viral infective agents?
  Blue: submitted but not checked There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Is prescription of antibiotics or surgical intervention best for recurrent tonsillitis?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Which analgesic is best for sore throats?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Should sore throats be investigated to reduce inappropriate antibiotic prescription?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Does the Epley maneuver help reduce symptoms in patients presenting to the Emergency Department with acute benign positional vertigo?
Surgery » Cardiothoracic
  Green: complete   Bypass is better than external rewarming after hypothermic cardiac arrest
  Green: complete   Can any intervention effectively reduce the pain associated with chest drain removal?
  Green: complete   Is there a role for the use of radical lymph node dissection in the surgical management of resectable non-small cell lung cancer?
  Green: complete   Can Cardiac re-transplantation be performed with an acceptable survival after primary graft failure?
  Green: complete   Is a chest drain necessary in stable patients with traumatic pneumothorax?
  Green: complete   Antibiotics in patients with isolated chest trauma requiring chest drains
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Does prophylactic tranexamic acid safely reduce bleeding without increasing thrombotic complications in patients undergoing cardiac surgery?
  Green: complete   Does plain radiography predict pneumothorax size?
  Green: complete   Does ultrasound-guided central line insertion reduce complications and time to placement in elective patients undergoing cardiac surgery
  Green: complete   Do buckle fractures of the paediatric wrist require follow-up?
  BET Title Available 220 Months   To chest drain or not to chest drain (haemothorax)
  Green: complete   Is prophylactic administration of steroids of benefit to children undergoing cardiac surgery
  Green: complete   Chest drains in traumatic occult pneumothorax
  Green: complete   Seldinger technique chest and complication rate
  Green: complete   Transthoracic ultrasonography to diagnose pneumothorax in trauma
  Green: complete   Is transmyocardial revascularisation of benefit to people with 'no option' angina?
  BET Title Available 246 Months   Emergency Department ultrasound for pericardial tamponade.
  Green: complete   Is transcatheter device occlusion as good as open heart surgery for closure of atrial septal defects?
  Green: complete   Is transmyocardial myocardial revascularisation of benefit in addition to coronary artery bypass grafting for patients with diffuse coronary disease?
  Green: complete   Epidural analgesia/anaesthesia versus systemic intravenous opioid analgesia in the management of blunt thoracic trauma.
  BET Title Available 264 Months   CXR or CT in Blunt chest trauma?
  Green: complete   Does the use of topical transexamic acid in cardiac surgery reduce the incidence of post-operative mediastinal bleeding?
  Blue: submitted but not checked There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Topical Vancomycin during Cardiac Surgery
  Blue: submitted but not checked   The Infective Complications of a Femoral Central Venous Line
  Green: complete   Is the central venous pressure reading equally reliable if the central line is inserted via the femoral vein
  Green: complete   Is Sotalol more effective than standard beta-blockers for the prophylaxis of atrial fibrillation during cardiac surgery
  Green: complete   Prophylactic Amiodarone in the prevention of Atrial Fibrillation
  Green: complete   What is the optimal dose of aspirin after discharge following coronary bypass surgery
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is a pleural drain of value after CABG with LIMA in preventing Pleural Effusions when the Pleura is opened?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is rate control superior to conversion strategy in AF post cardiac surgery?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is amiodarone or digoxin better in AF post cardiac surgery in terms of time to return of sinus rhythm?
  Green: complete   Is prophylactic haemofiltration during cardiopulmonary bypass of benefit during cardiac surgery?
  BET Title Available 149 Months   Accuracy of a chest x-ray in diagnosing dissecting thoracic aneurysm.
  Green: complete   The sensitivity of a normal chest radiograph in ruling out aortic dissection
  Green: complete   Peripheral pulses to exclude thoracic aortic dissection
  Green: complete   Does aspirin 6 hours after coronary artery bypass grafting optimise graft patency?
  Green: complete   Detection of Acute Aortic Dissection with D-Dimer
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is conservative management of stab wounds better than wound closure?
  Green: complete   Which patients would benefit from an intra-aortic balloon pump prior to cardiac surgery ?
  Green: complete   Does liberal use of bone wax increase the risk of mediastinitis?
  Green: complete   In patients post cardiac surgery do high doses of protamine cause increased bleeding
  Green: complete   Does magnesium offer any additional benefit in patients having anti-arrhythmic treatment for atrial fibrillation following cardiac surgery?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Do drug-eluting stents give equal patency rates to Coronary arterial bypass grafts
  Green: complete   Cardiopulmonary bypass and the survival of patients in cardiac arrest
  Green: complete   In aortic arch surgery is there any benefit in using antegrade cerebral perfusion or retrograde cerebral perfusion as an adjunct to hypothermic circulatory arrest?
  Green: complete   In open heart surgery is there a role for the use of carbon dioxide field flooding techniques to reduce the level of post-operative gaseous emboli?
  BET Title Available 220 Months   1 or 2 chest drains for lobectomy
  Green: complete   Does use of aprotinin in coronary artery bypass graft surgery affect graft patency
  Green: complete   Is the figure-of-eight superior to the simple wire technique for closure of the sternum?
  Green: complete   Is addition of anti-platelet therapy to warfarin beneficial to patients with prosthetic heart valves?
  Green: complete   Computerized Tomography for Small Bowel Obstruction
  BET Title Available 217 Months   Can troponin T be used to diagnose acute coronary syndrome during postoperative period following coronary artery bypass surgery
  Green: complete   Is clopidogrel beneficial following coronary bypass surgery
  BET Title Available 247 Months   Spiral CT in Aortic Dissection
  Green: complete   Does it matter whether a chest drain is aimed upwards or downwards for the optimum drainage of fluid or air from the pleural cavity ?
  Green: complete   Is Antero-posterior position superior to Antero-lateral position for placement of electrodes for external cardioversion of atrial fibrillation post bypass grafting?
  Green: complete   Bi-atrial pacing significantly reduces the Incidence of atrial fibrillation post cardiac surgery
  Green: complete   Can epiaortic ultrasound reduce the incidence of intraoperative stroke during cardiac surgery?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Does needle always mean tube after suspected tension pneumothorax?
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET In patients undergoing cardiac surgery does asymptomatic significant carotid artery stenosis warrant carotid endarterectomy?
  Green: complete   Is carotid artery stenting equivalent or superior to carotid endarterectomy for treatment of carotid artery stenosis?
  Green: complete   What is the optimal anticoagulation management of patients post cardiac surgery who go into atrial fibrillation?
  Green: complete   Are prophylactic beta-blockers of benefit in reducing the incidence of AF following coronary bypass surgery?
  Green: complete   Does off pump coronary artery surgery reduce the incidence of postoperative atrial fibrillation?
  Green: complete   Accuracy of Emergency Department Ultrasound in Detecting AAA.
  Green: complete   Is there a role for prophylaxis against atrial fibrillation for patients undergoing lung surgery?
  Green: complete   Does the radial artery provide better long-term patency than the saphenous vein?
  Green: complete   Should the pericardium be closed in patients undergoing cardiac surgery?
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Does pleurotomy during internal mammary artery harvest increase post-operative pulmonary complications?
  BET Title Available 211 Months   The accuracy of echocardiography in the diagnosis of traumatic pericardial tamponade.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   A new CURE? Clopidogrel ahead of coronary angioplasty in acute coronary syndromes
  Green: complete   Does deflating the lungs and sawing from the xiphisternum reduce the chance of accidental pleurotomy during sternotomy?
  Green: complete   Is the Allen's test adequate to safely confirm that a radial artery may be harvested for coronary arterial bypass grafting?
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET What is the optimal vasodilator for preventing spasm in the left internal mammary artery during coronary arterial bypass grafting?
  Green: complete   Might gene therapy offer symptomatic relief for patients with 'no option' angina?
  Green: complete   Is Methylene Blue of benefit in treating adult patients who develop vasoplegic syndrome during Cardiac Surgery
  Green: complete   Can the use of thromboelastography predict and decrease bleeding and blood and blood product requirements in adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery?
  Green: complete   Can ventilation while on cardiopulmonary bypass improve post-operative lung function for patients undergoing cardiac surgery?
  Green: complete   Use of pericardiocentesis for patients with cardiac tamponade in penetrating chest trauma
  Green: complete   Should additional antibiotics or an iodine washout be given to all patients who suffer an emergency re-sternotomy on the cardiothoracic intensive care unit?

Generic appraisals

Marinelli G, Chiappini B, Di Eusanio M et al.
critical appraisals
Bypass Grafting with coronary endarterectomy: immediate and long-term results
Puskas JD, Williams, Duke PG et al.
critical appraisals
Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting provides complete revascularization with reduced myocardial injury,transfusion requirements, and length of stay: a single blind RCT
Randomised control trial
Bokhari F, Backenridge S, Ngy K, Roberts R, Smith R, Joseph K, An G, Wiley D, Barrett J.
critical appraisals
Prospective evaluation of the sensitivity of physical examination in chest trauma
Rebecca K. Fastle and Mark G. Roback.
critical appraisals
Pediatric rapid sequence intubation: Incidence of reflex bradycardia and effects of pretreatment with atropine.
Kirkpatrick AW
critical appraisals
Hand-held Thoracic Sonography for Detecting Post-Traumatic Pneumothoraces: the Extended Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (EFAST)
Kapur N, Cooper J, Rodway C, Kelly J, Guthrie E, Mackway-Jones K.
critical appraisals
Predicting the risk of repetition after self harm: cohort study
levitan RM
critical appraisals
Limitations of difficult airway prediction in patients intubated in the emergency department.
Baker R.C, Tiller T., Bausher J. et al
critical appraisals
Severity of Disease correlated with fever reduction in febrile infants
Surgery » General
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Analgesia in biliary colic
  Green: complete   Tap water is an adequate cleansant for minor wounds
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Fluid resuscitation in acute abdominal aortic aneurysm
  Green: complete   Analgesia and assessment of abdominal pain
  Green: complete   Management of uncomplicated soft tissue gunshot wounds
  Green: complete   White cell count and diagnosing appendicitis in adults
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Serum amylase or lipase to diagnose pancreatitis in patients presenting with abdominal pain.
  Green: complete   Urinary Trypsinogen to rule out acute pancreatitis in patients with abdominal pain
  BET Title Available 244 Months   Ultrasonography or diagnostic Peritoneal lavage in abdominal trauma
  Green: complete   Serial x-rays in battery ingestion
  Green: complete   Detection of pneumoperitoneum on an erect chest X-ray
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Flucloxacillin or azithromycin for uncomplicated cellulitis
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Management of punch wounds to the MCPJ caused by teeth
  Red: incomplete   Accuracy of clincal examination in detecting/excluding serious abdominal pathology
  BET Title Available 150 Months   Parenteral analgesia and/or buscopan for abdominal pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   abscesses; to pack or not to pack
  Green: complete   Buscopan (hyoscine butylbromide) in abdominal colic
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Endoanal ultrasound versus Magnetic resonance Imaging for perianal sepsis
  Green: complete   Serum amylase and acute pancreatitis
  Green: complete   Factor VIIa for intractable blood loss in trauma
  Green: complete   Role of plain abdominal radiograph in the diagnosis of intussusception
  Green: complete   Aspiration of breast abscesses
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Ultrasound scanning in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in adults
  Green: complete   Abdominal radiography in 'Body Packers'.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   How accurate is clinical diagnosis at identifying patients with cholecystitis?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Anticoagulation for acute ischaemic limbs
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Does a normal CRP exclude serious pathology in the patient with acute abdominal pain
  BET Title Available 260 Months   Pethidine versus morphine in patients presenting with Biliary colic?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is conservative management of stab wounds better than wound closure?
  BET Title Available 145 Months   Routine AXR in patients with abdo pain?
  Red: incomplete   Partial matricectomy and phenolisation is the treatment of choice for ingrowing toe nails?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Does needle always mean tube after suspected tension pneumothorax?
  Green: complete   Accuracy of Emergency Department Ultrasound in Detecting AAA.
  Red: incomplete   Intravenous NSAID's in the treatment of Biliary colic
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is Norepinephrine better than Dopamine in vasopressor support of Septic Shock?
  BET Title Available 231 Months   Oral steroids in management of asthma in acute peptic ulcer patient
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Buscopan (hyoscine butylbromide) in biliary colic.
  Blue: submitted but not checked There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Method of gut decontamination
  Green: complete   Is there a reversal of pulmonary arteriovenous malformation after redirection of anomalous hepatic venous flow to the lungs?
  Green: complete   Is sympathectomy of benefit in critical leg ischaemia not amenable to revascularisation?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is cyclizine is better than metoclopramide in patients with moderate to severe abdomen pain
  Green: complete   Use of intravenous omeprazole in gastrointestinal patients before endoscopy
  Green: complete   Is Magnetic Resonance Imaging useful for suspected appendicitis in pregnant patients
  Green: complete   Emergency Physician bedside ultrasound for the diagnosis of cholelithiasis
Surgery » Neurosurgery
  Green: complete   Antibiotics in base of skull fractures
  Green: complete   Steroids in acute spinal cord injury
  Green: complete   Does a normal CT scan rule out a subarachnoid hemorrhage
  Green: complete   Cervical spine radiography in alert asymptomatic blunt trauma patients
  Orange: submitted and checked   Acupuncture in chronic back pain
  BET Title Available 221 Months   Mean arterial pressure in isolated head injury
  Green: complete   Tangential views or computed tomography in suspected depressed skull fracture
  Green: complete   Headache in paediatric head injury
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Do crash helmets reduce the severity of head injury in adult pedal cyclists
  Green: complete   Cervical collars and intracranial pressure
  Green: complete   Antibiotics in compound depressed skull fractures
  Blue: submitted but not checked   In adults with mild head injury and a GCS 13-15 is vomiting a clinical indicator for the use of CT?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   GCS as predictor of outcome for subarachnoid haemorrhage
  BET Title Available 266 Months   Analgesia in Head Injury
  Green: complete   Computer tomography and the exclusion of upper cervical spine injury in trauma patients with altered mental state
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Do anticoagulated patients who sustain a minor head injury require a CT scan to rule out intra-cranial injury?
  BET Title Available 195 Months   is routine prophylaxis indicated in pts with severe head injury to prevent post injury epilepsy
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Long Term Disability After Minor Head Injury
  Green: complete   Aspirin and the risk of intracranial complications following head injury
  Green: complete   Timing of lumbar puncture in suspected sub arachnoid haemorrhage
  Green: complete   Antifibrinolytics for the initial management of sub arachnoid haemorrhage.
  Green: complete   CT Angiography for detection of Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
  Red: incomplete   Manipulation and mobilisation in acute low back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Strong opiates in the treatment of acute low back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   NSAIDS in acute low back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Acupuncture in acute back pain
Surgery » Orthopaedics
  Green: complete   Admission not needed for uncomplicated sternal fractures
  Green: complete   Steroids in lateral epicondylitis.
  Green: complete   IVRA (Biers block) is better than haematoma block for manipulating Colles' fractures
  Green: complete   Management of fractures of the neck of the fifth metacarpal
  Green: complete   No evidence for either Collar and cuff or sling after fracture of the clavicle
  Green: complete   First anterior shoulder dislocations should be immobilised for at least 3 weeks
  Green: complete   Operative repair is best for an acutely ruptured achilles tendon
  Green: complete   Cricket pad splint is better than plaster cylinder for first patellar dislocation
  Green: complete   Lateral ligament ankle sprains should be mobilised early
  Green: complete   Conservative treatment is better than surgical management for first patellar dislocation
  Green: complete   No evidence for collar and cuff or sling in uncomplicated shaft of humerus fractures
  Green: complete   Pelvic radiography is not always indicated in severe blunt trauma if the patient has no pelvic symptoms and is GCS 15
  Green: complete   Neck sprains should be mobilised early
  Green: complete   Operative repair or conservative treatment for partial laceration of the extensor tendons of the hand
  Green: complete   Little evidence for conservative or operative management of undisplaced Bennett's fractures
  Green: complete   Support bandaging is best for avulsion fractures of the base of the fifth metatarsal
  Green: complete   Early MRI in acute knee haemarthrosis not supported by published evidence
  Green: complete   U-slab, hanging cast or collar and cuff in uncomplicated shaft of humerus fractures in the elderly
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Diagnostic needle aspiration in olecranon bursitis may be indicated to define the underlying cause.
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET The role of therapeutic needle aspiration in radial head fractures
  Green: complete   Aspiration of acute traumatic knee haemarthrosis
  Green: complete   Steristrips better than sutures for pre-tibial lacerations
  Green: complete   Immobilisation of suspected scaphoid fractures
  Green: complete   Management of uncomplicated soft tissue gunshot wounds
  Green: complete   Antibiotics in patients with isolated chest trauma requiring chest drains
  Green: complete   Reduction of pulled elbows
  Green: complete   Cervical spine radiography in alert asymptomatic blunt trauma patients
  Orange: submitted and checked   Acupuncture in chronic back pain
  Green: complete   Tibial fractures in very young children and child abuse
  Green: complete   Proximal Humeral Fractures and non-accidental injury in children
  Green: complete   Antibiotics and compound finger fracture
  Green: complete   Plaster or collar and cuff after reducing dislocated elbow?
  Yellow: electronic pre-print   Immobilisation in patients with painful achilles tendon
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET The McCoy laryngoscope in suspected cervical spine fracture
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Intranasal diamorphine in adults with severe pain.
  Red: incomplete   Is a splint helpful in the management of bursitis at all?
  Green: complete   Do non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs cause a delay in fracture healing?
  BET Title Available 241 Months   Axillary or elbow crutches in leg injury
  Green: complete   General anaesthesia or conscious sedation for reducing a dislocated hip prosthesis?
  Green: complete   Timing of antibiotic administration in community-acquired pneumonia
  BET Title Available 257 Months   Steroid injections for adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder
  Green: complete   Alternative therapies for neck sprain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Use of local corticosteroid injections in supraspinatus tendinitis
  Green: complete   Intra-articular lidocaine for acute anterior shoulder dislocation reduction
  Green: complete   Flight Deep Vein Thrombosis prophylaxis in lower limb injury
  Green: complete   Milch's technique versus Scapular Manipulation technique for reduction of anterior shoulder dislocation.
  Green: complete   Incision and drainage preferable to oral antibiotics in acute paronychial nail infection?
  Green: complete   Kocher's or Milch's technique for reduction of anterior shoulder dislocations.
  BET Title Available 220 Months   Morphine/Entonox combination versus Morphine/Midazolam for shoulder reduction
  Blue: submitted but not checked   No difference between hand and elbow injection sites for Bier's block regional anaesthesia
  Green: complete   Regional Nerve Block in Fractured Neck of Femur
  BET Title Available 240 Months   Limb exsanguination in Biers Block
  Green: complete   Splinting of buckle fractures of the distal radius in children
  Green: complete   Routine Use Of Antibiotic Ointment and Wound Healing
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Change of Injection site during Bier's block anaesthesia for colles' fracture
  Green: complete   Factor VIIa for intractable blood loss in trauma
  Green: complete   Early or late mobilisation in uncomplicated neck of humerus fractures
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is Ultrasound effective in the treatment of plantar fasciitis?
  BET Title Available 202 Months   Sedation or general anaesthesia in paediatric dislocated elbows
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Surgery vs conservative management for acute ankle ligament ruptures
  Orange: submitted and checked   Collar and cuff vs other splintage methods after MUA of Supracondylar Humeral Fractures in children
  Green: complete   U cast or functional bracing following fractures of the shaft of humerus
  Green: complete   Prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism in patients with lower limb plaster cast immobilisation
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Steroid Injection Therapy for de Quervain’s Tenosynovitis in Adults.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   IV Opiates versus femoral block in fractured neck of femur
  BET Title Available 146 Months   Does a mixture of lignocaine and propofol help with managing the pain from injections?
  Green: complete   Swimmers view or supine oblique views to visualise the cervicothoracic junction
  Green: complete   Computer tomography and the exclusion of upper cervical spine injury in trauma patients with altered mental state
  BET Title Available 201 Months   Medial or Lateral Approach for Knee Joint Aspiration
  BET Title Available 155 Months   Treatment of stable ankle fractures (weber type A) in plaster of paris v aicast boot
  Green: complete   Need for cervical spine imaging for alert children after trauma
  BET Title Available 92 Months   Physiotherapy in acute neck sprains
  Green: complete   Cervical spine imaging in children under 9 after trauma
  BET Title Available 145 Months   Severe sudden onset headache associated with coitus
  Blue: submitted but not checked   The use of immobilisation in clavicle fractures in children below the age of five
  BET Title Available 258 Months   Arthroscopy in supraspinous tendinitis
  BET Title Available 258 Months   Role of early aspiration of Haemarthrosis of knee joint on vasularity of internal structures
  Yellow: electronic pre-print   Backslab or full plaster after manipulation of Colles fracture?
  Green: complete   Should ondanestron be used as the first-line anti-emetic in paracetamol overdose
  Blue: submitted but not checked   High spatial resolution Sonography in diagnosis of suspected fracture of Scaphoid
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Pre-hospital use of a traction splint for femoral shaft and lower leg fractures in the same limb
  Blue: submitted but not checked   C reactive protein and septic arthritis in children
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is a normal WBC enough to rule out septic arthritis?
  Blue: submitted but not checked There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Get them moving now: Early mobilisation for minimally displaced radial head fractures
  BET Title Available 250 Months   Emergency Management of a Perichondrial Haematoma
  Green: complete   Is ultrasound or plain film radiography a more sensitive diagnostic modality for diagnosing slipped capital femoral epiphysis?
  Green: complete   Does early mobilisation following achilles tendon repair speed up recovery and improve functional outcome?
  Green: complete   Immobilisation of stable ankle fractures
  Green: complete   Elbow extension as a 'rule-out' tool for significant injury in adults
  Green: complete   Elbow extension as a 'rule-out' tool for significant injury in children
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Hyperbaric Oxygen in Fracture Healing
  Green: complete   How to immobilise after shoulder disclocation.
  Orange: submitted and checked   Laser therapy with exercise in the treatment of patellar tendonitis
  Blue: submitted but not checked   High dose steroids for whiplash
  Green: complete   No evidence found that a femoral nerve block in cases of femoral shaft fractures can delay the diagnosis of compartment syndrome of the thigh.
  Orange: submitted and checked   Laser therapy in the treatment of tendonitis
  Orange: submitted and checked   Acupuncture for neck pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Can we assess the prognosis for whiplash soon after the injury?
  Green: complete   Early mobilisation for volar plate avulsion fractures
  Orange: submitted and checked   Manipulation and/or exercise for neck pain?
  Orange: submitted and checked   Prognosis in acute non-traumatic simple lower back pain
  Orange: submitted and checked   Bed rest for acute simple lower back pain
  Orange: submitted and checked   Massage for chronic low back pain
  Orange: submitted and checked   Laser for the treatment of chronic low back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Early radiography in acute lower back pain
  Green: complete   Tennis elbow and epicondyle clasp
  Blue: submitted but not checked   TENS for lower back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Magnetic resonance imaging of suspected scaphoid fractures
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Muscle relaxants for acute low back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   The effects of prolonged use of Tubigrip™ after ankle inversion injury
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Strong opiates in the treatment of acute low back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   NSAIDS in acute low back pain
  Yellow: electronic pre-print   Ottawa Knee Rule in children
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Acupuncture in acute back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Prediction of fracture associated with anterior shoulder dislocation.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Treatment of central metatarsal fractures: support vs plaster
  Orange: submitted and checked   Hydrotherapy for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) of the foot and ankle
  Green: complete   The effects of Glucosamine Sulphate on OA of the knee joint
  Orange: submitted and checked   Laser for the treatment of acute low back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Muscle relaxants for chronic low back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Zygapophysial joint injections in chronic low back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Radiofrequency denervation for lumbar zygapophysial joint pain.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is surgical debridement of a human bite wound necessary?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Treatment of a supracondylar fracture
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is a cast as useful as a splint in the treatment of a distal radius fracture in a child
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Treatment for fractures of a lateral condyle of the humeus in a child
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Best position of immobilisation in a greenstick fracture of the distal radius
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Influence of clinical information on the diagnosis of a wrist fracture in a child
  Orange: submitted and checked   Massage therapy for acute low back pain
  Yellow: electronic pre-print   Fascia iliaca compartment block for control of hip/femur fracture pain in adult patients
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Are back schools effective in the management of chronic simple low back pain?
  BET Title Available 227 Months   Provocation discography for the diagnosis of discogenic chronic low back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Behavioural therapy for chronic low back pain
  BET Title Available 224 Months   The value of pre-hospitalisation self-administered preventative measures against MRSA SSIs in patients undergoing elective total hip arthroplasty.
Surgery » Urology
  Green: complete   Rectal or Intravenous non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in acute renal colic
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is Ultrasound a good diagnostic test for obstructive biliary disease?
  Green: complete   Intranasal naloxone in suspected opioid overdose
  Green: complete   Oral (fast dissolving) piroxicam versus IM diclofenac for renal colic
  BET Title Available 269 Months   Is SPC better than Urethral catherisation in first time acute urinary retention
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Antibiotics in Renal Colic
  BET Title Available 200 Months   NSAIDS or Opioids in Renal Colic.
  BET Title Available 225 Months   KUB and US vs Spiral CT in first 24 HRS of Renal Colic, which is more cost effective
  BET Title Available 269 Months   Long standing symptoms of UTI:Failure to eradicate primary infection vs initial cure with subsequent reinfection
  BET Title Available 269 Months   White cell count and diagnosing Urinary tract infection
  BET Title Available 225 Months   Management of fractured penis
  Red: incomplete   Urine dipstick as rule out of urinary caculi
  Green: complete   Accuracy of negative dipstick urinalysis in ruling out urinary tract infection in adults
  BET Title Available 173 Months   Colours doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis of atypical / early testicular torsion in boys under 12 years of age.
  Green: complete   Intravenous NSAID's in the Management of Renal Colic
  Red: incomplete   Intravenous NSAID's in the mangement of pyelonephritis
  Blue: submitted but not checked   UTI in men - is investigation required?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Cytology testing alone vs. cytology testing with cystoscopy in adults with haematuria
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is immediate GUS investigation better than delayed or no investigation in adults with asymptomatic, atraumatic, microscopic haematuria?
  Blue: submitted but not checked There are 4 critical appraisals linked to this BET ultrasound vs CT scan for detecting calculi
  Blue: submitted but not checked   KUB sensitivity at detecting urinary calculi
  BET Title Available 153 Months   The sensitivity of the cremasteric reflex in ruling out testicular torsion.
Surgery » Plastics
  Green: complete   Glue is better than sutures for facial lacerations in children
  Green: complete   Operative repair or conservative treatment for partial laceration of the extensor tendons of the hand
  Green: complete   Reimplantation of the nail root in fingertip crush injuries in children
  Green: complete   Timing of antibiotic administration in community-acquired pneumonia
  Yellow: electronic pre-print   Topical therapy for facial burns
  Green: complete   Split skin grafts for pretibial lacerations
  BET Title Available 248 Months   Antiseptic dressings for minor burns
  Green: complete   Staples or sutures for repair of scalp laceration in adults
  Green: complete   Routine Use Of Antibiotic Ointment and Wound Healing
  Green: complete   Management of Burns Blisters
  Green: complete   Silver Sulphadiazine cream in burns
  Green: complete   Should we glue lip lacerations in children
  BET Title Available 231 Months   The use of clear plastic wrap dressings in burns
  Green: complete   Antibiotic prophylaxis for pre-tibial haematomas in the elderly
  Green: complete   Conservative management or suturing for small, uncomplicated hand wounds.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Intralesional Corticosteriod Administration is Ineffective in the Treatment of Kerions.
  Red: incomplete   Does topical chloramphenicol reduce scarring when applied to sutured facial wounds ?
  BET Title Available 231 Months   Wound Swabs in Open Fractures
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Inhalational injury in burns patients
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Measuring carboxyhaemoglobin levels in Burns patients
  Green: complete   Assessing the size of burns in patients - which method works best?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Depth assessment of burns
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Cooling as analgesia for burns
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is surgical debridement of a human bite wound necessary?
  Green: complete   Prophylactic antibiotics are not indicated in uncomplicated hand lacerations.