Admission not needed for uncomplicated sternal fractures |
Steroids in lateral epicondylitis. |
IVRA (Biers block) is better than haematoma block for manipulating Colles' fractures |
Management of fractures of the neck of the fifth metacarpal |
No evidence for either Collar and cuff or sling after fracture of the clavicle |
First anterior shoulder dislocations should be immobilised for at least 3 weeks |
Operative repair is best for an acutely ruptured achilles tendon |
Cricket pad splint is better than plaster cylinder for first patellar dislocation |
Lateral ligament ankle sprains should be mobilised early |
Conservative treatment is better than surgical management for first patellar dislocation |
No evidence for collar and cuff or sling in uncomplicated shaft of humerus fractures |
Pelvic radiography is not always indicated in severe blunt trauma if the patient has no pelvic symptoms and is GCS 15 |
Neck sprains should be mobilised early |
Operative repair or conservative treatment for partial laceration of the extensor tendons of the hand |
Little evidence for conservative or operative management of undisplaced Bennett's fractures |
Support bandaging is best for avulsion fractures of the base of the fifth metatarsal |
Early MRI in acute knee haemarthrosis not supported by published evidence |
U-slab, hanging cast or collar and cuff in uncomplicated shaft of humerus fractures in the elderly |
Diagnostic needle aspiration in olecranon bursitis may be indicated to define the underlying cause. |
The role of therapeutic needle aspiration in radial head fractures |
Aspiration of acute traumatic knee haemarthrosis |
Steristrips better than sutures for pre-tibial lacerations |
Immobilisation of suspected scaphoid fractures |
Management of uncomplicated soft tissue gunshot wounds |
Antibiotics in patients with isolated chest trauma requiring chest drains |
Reduction of pulled elbows |
Cervical spine radiography in alert asymptomatic blunt trauma patients |
Acupuncture in chronic back pain |
Tibial fractures in very young children and child abuse |
Proximal Humeral Fractures and non-accidental injury in children |
Antibiotics and compound finger fracture |
Plaster or collar and cuff after reducing dislocated elbow? |
Immobilisation in patients with painful achilles tendon |
The McCoy laryngoscope in suspected cervical spine fracture |
Intranasal diamorphine in adults with severe pain. |
Is a splint helpful in the management of bursitis at all? |
Do non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs cause a delay in fracture healing? |
Axillary or elbow crutches in leg injury |
General anaesthesia or conscious sedation for reducing a dislocated hip prosthesis? |
Timing of antibiotic administration in community-acquired pneumonia |
Steroid injections for adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder |
Alternative therapies for neck sprain |
Use of local corticosteroid injections in supraspinatus tendinitis |
Intra-articular lidocaine for acute anterior shoulder dislocation reduction |
Flight Deep Vein Thrombosis prophylaxis in lower limb injury |
Milch's technique versus Scapular Manipulation technique for reduction of anterior shoulder dislocation. |
Incision and drainage preferable to oral antibiotics in acute paronychial nail infection? |
Kocher's or Milch's technique for reduction of anterior shoulder dislocations. |
Morphine/Entonox combination versus Morphine/Midazolam for shoulder reduction |
No difference between hand and elbow injection sites for Bier's block regional anaesthesia |
Regional Nerve Block in Fractured Neck of Femur |
Limb exsanguination in Biers Block |
Splinting of buckle fractures of the distal radius in children |
Routine Use Of Antibiotic Ointment and Wound Healing |
Change of Injection site during Bier's block anaesthesia for colles' fracture |
Factor VIIa for intractable blood loss in trauma |
Early or late mobilisation in uncomplicated neck of humerus fractures |
Is Ultrasound effective in the treatment of plantar fasciitis? |
Sedation or general anaesthesia in paediatric dislocated elbows |
Surgery vs conservative management for acute ankle ligament ruptures |
Collar and cuff vs other splintage methods after MUA of Supracondylar Humeral Fractures in children |
U cast or functional bracing following fractures of the shaft of humerus |
Prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism in patients with lower limb plaster cast immobilisation |
Steroid Injection Therapy for de Quervain’s Tenosynovitis in Adults. |
IV Opiates versus femoral block in fractured neck of femur |
Does a mixture of lignocaine and propofol help with managing the pain from injections? |
Swimmers view or supine oblique views to visualise the cervicothoracic junction |
Computer tomography and the exclusion of upper cervical spine injury in trauma patients with altered mental state |
Medial or Lateral Approach for Knee Joint Aspiration |
Treatment of stable ankle fractures (weber type A) in plaster of paris v aicast boot |
Need for cervical spine imaging for alert children after trauma |
Physiotherapy in acute neck sprains |
Cervical spine imaging in children under 9 after trauma |
Severe sudden onset headache associated with coitus |
The use of immobilisation in clavicle fractures in children below the age of five |
Arthroscopy in supraspinous tendinitis |
Role of early aspiration of Haemarthrosis of knee joint on vasularity of internal structures |
Backslab or full plaster after manipulation of Colles fracture? |
Should ondanestron be used as the first-line anti-emetic in paracetamol overdose |
High spatial resolution Sonography in diagnosis of suspected fracture of Scaphoid |
Pre-hospital use of a traction splint for femoral shaft and lower leg fractures in the same limb |
C reactive protein and septic arthritis in children |
Is a normal WBC enough to rule out septic arthritis? |
Get them moving now: Early mobilisation for minimally displaced radial head fractures |
Emergency Management of a Perichondrial Haematoma |
Is ultrasound or plain film radiography a more sensitive diagnostic modality for diagnosing slipped capital femoral epiphysis? |
Does early mobilisation following achilles tendon repair speed up recovery and improve functional outcome? |
Immobilisation of stable ankle fractures |
Elbow extension as a 'rule-out' tool for significant injury in adults |
Elbow extension as a 'rule-out' tool for significant injury in children |
Hyperbaric Oxygen in Fracture Healing |
How to immobilise after shoulder disclocation. |
Laser therapy with exercise in the treatment of patellar tendonitis |
High dose steroids for whiplash |
No evidence found that a femoral nerve block in cases of femoral shaft fractures can delay the diagnosis of compartment syndrome of the thigh. |
Laser therapy in the treatment of tendonitis |
Acupuncture for neck pain |
Can we assess the prognosis for whiplash soon after the injury? |
Early mobilisation for volar plate avulsion fractures |
Manipulation and/or exercise for neck pain? |
Prognosis in acute non-traumatic simple lower back pain |
Bed rest for acute simple lower back pain |
Massage for chronic low back pain |
Laser for the treatment of chronic low back pain |
Early radiography in acute lower back pain |
Tennis elbow and epicondyle clasp |
TENS for lower back pain |
Magnetic resonance imaging of suspected scaphoid fractures |
Muscle relaxants for acute low back pain |
The effects of prolonged use of Tubigrip™ after ankle inversion injury |
Strong opiates in the treatment of acute low back pain |
NSAIDS in acute low back pain |
Ottawa Knee Rule in children |
Acupuncture in acute back pain |
Prediction of fracture associated with anterior shoulder dislocation. |
Treatment of central metatarsal fractures: support vs plaster |
Hydrotherapy for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) of the foot and ankle |
The effects of Glucosamine Sulphate on OA of the knee joint |
Laser for the treatment of acute low back pain |
Muscle relaxants for chronic low back pain |
Zygapophysial joint injections in chronic low back pain |
Radiofrequency denervation for lumbar zygapophysial joint pain. |
Is surgical debridement of a human bite wound necessary? |
Treatment of a supracondylar fracture |
Is a cast as useful as a splint in the treatment of a distal radius fracture in a child |
Treatment for fractures of a lateral condyle of the humeus in a child |
Best position of immobilisation in a greenstick fracture of the distal radius |
Influence of clinical information on the diagnosis of a wrist fracture in a child |
Massage therapy for acute low back pain |
Fascia iliaca compartment block for control of hip/femur fracture pain in adult patients |
Are back schools effective in the management of chronic simple low back pain? |
Provocation discography for the diagnosis of discogenic chronic low back pain |
Behavioural therapy for chronic low back pain |
The value of pre-hospitalisation self-administered preventative measures against MRSA SSIs in patients undergoing elective total hip arthroplasty. |