BETs and CAs in this Category

You Are In: All categories » Speciality » Surgery » Neurosurgery
  Green: complete   Antibiotics in base of skull fractures
  Green: complete   Steroids in acute spinal cord injury
  Green: complete   Does a normal CT scan rule out a subarachnoid hemorrhage
  Green: complete   Cervical spine radiography in alert asymptomatic blunt trauma patients
  Orange: submitted and checked   Acupuncture in chronic back pain
  BET Title Available 221 Months   Mean arterial pressure in isolated head injury
  Green: complete   Tangential views or computed tomography in suspected depressed skull fracture
  Green: complete   Headache in paediatric head injury
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Do crash helmets reduce the severity of head injury in adult pedal cyclists
  Green: complete   Cervical collars and intracranial pressure
  Green: complete   Antibiotics in compound depressed skull fractures
  Blue: submitted but not checked   In adults with mild head injury and a GCS 13-15 is vomiting a clinical indicator for the use of CT?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   GCS as predictor of outcome for subarachnoid haemorrhage
  BET Title Available 266 Months   Analgesia in Head Injury
  Green: complete   Computer tomography and the exclusion of upper cervical spine injury in trauma patients with altered mental state
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Do anticoagulated patients who sustain a minor head injury require a CT scan to rule out intra-cranial injury?
  BET Title Available 195 Months   is routine prophylaxis indicated in pts with severe head injury to prevent post injury epilepsy
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Long Term Disability After Minor Head Injury
  Green: complete   Aspirin and the risk of intracranial complications following head injury
  Green: complete   Timing of lumbar puncture in suspected sub arachnoid haemorrhage
  Green: complete   Antifibrinolytics for the initial management of sub arachnoid haemorrhage.
  Green: complete   CT Angiography for detection of Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
  Red: incomplete   Manipulation and mobilisation in acute low back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Strong opiates in the treatment of acute low back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   NSAIDS in acute low back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Acupuncture in acute back pain