Author, date and country | Patient group | Study type (level of evidence) | Outcomes | Key results | Study Weaknesses |
Mills and Bringaze, 1989, USA | 31 patients had internal mammary harvested for elective CABG Group I (n=14) Topical papaverine in soaked sponge (60 mg in 40 ml n/sal) for 20 mins and then intraluminal papaverine (10 ml) instillation and hydrostatic dilatation with sequential finger occlusion up to its origin Group II (n=17) Pedicle injection of papaverine and 20 mins delay then intraluminal instillation of papaverine and hydrostatic instillation (as above) | Cohort study with no control group (level 3b) | Group I Blood flow in ml per min. (Mean and range) | No treatment: 18 ml/min (5-44 ml/min). Topical papaverine: 51 ml/min (10-108 ml/min). Intraluminal papaverine in addition to topical papaverine:229 ml/min (150-333 ml/min) | Non-randomised study Small sample size No control group with no treatment to compare with the papaverine groups |
Group II Blood flow in ml per min (mean and range) | After pedicle injection 69 ml/min (28-132ml/min). Intraluminal papaverine in addition to pedicle injection 198 ml/min (144-280 ml/min). With pedicle injection to 188 ml/min with intraluminal injection | ||||
Sasson et al, 1995, Israel | 50 patients had internal mammary harvested for elective CABG Group I (n=10) Topical saline Group II (n=10) Topical papaverine (5 mg/10 ml Nsal) Group III (n=10) Topical nitroglycerine (5 mg/10 ml Nsal) Group IV (n=10) Periarterial injection of papaverine (5 mg/5 ml Nsal) | Non-randomised cohort study (level 3b) | Pre and post treatment flow (all pre CPB) | Group I (Saline) pre 59 ± 20.7 ml/min. Post 72.8 ± 17 ml/min. Group II (papaverine) pre 86 ± 25 ml/min post 118 ± 53 ml/min. Group III (GTN) pre 71 ± 24 ml/min post 90 ± 30 ml/min. Group IV (SNP) pre 43 ± 27 ml/min post 67 ± 27 ml/min. Group V (papaverine) pre 57 ± 33 ml/min post 83 ± 49 ml/min. No significant flow increase seen compared to control | Non-randomised study Small sample size in each group Discrepancy in age, mean arterial pressures and time of measurement between the groups |
Complication | 8 patients were withdrawn in the sodium nitroprusside group due to clinical hypotension | ||||
Takeuchi et al, 2004, Japan | 80 patients had mammary artery harvested for elective CABG. 2ml of test drug were directly injected to the proximal segment of the LIMA at 1 ml/s, distal end was clipped Group I (n=20) Intra arterial injection of 2 ml saline Group II (n=20) Intra arterial injection of 2 ml papaverine Group III (n=20) Intra arterial injection of 2 ml Isosorbide Dinitrate Group IV (n=20) Intra arterial injection of 2 ml Phosphodiesterase III inhibitor | Single blind PRCT (level 1b) | Graft free flow pre and 1 min post injection | Group I (saline) pre 37 ± 14 ml/min post 36 ± 15 ml/min. Group II (papaverine) pre 37 ± 17 ml/min post 40 ± 19 ml/min. Group III (ISDN) pre 37 ± 16 ml/min post 48 ± 20 ml/min. Group IV (PDE-III-I) pre 36 ± 18 ml/min post 57 ± 18 ml/min. Graft free flow increased significantly post injection in Group III (P<0.05) and Group IV (P<0.0001) | Short time duration of measurement of graft flow before and after drug injection (papaverine may take 10 min for maximal action) |
Girard et al, 2004, USA | 58 patients undergoing primary, redo CABG and CABG + valves Group I (n=20) Control group Group II (n=18) Periarterial papaverine injection with a blunt needle before dissection (10 mg in 10 ml Nsal) Group III (n=20) Periarterial papaverine injection after dissection | PRCT (level 2b) | Graft free flow just before performing the anastomosis with bypass pressures at 70 mmHg | Group I (control) 86.2 ml/min. Group II (papaverine) 86.2 ml/min I vs II p=0.0874. Group III (post papaverine) 139.7 ml/min I vs III p=0.0457 | Small sample size No uniformity in the type of surgery in different groups Harvesting of artery by 4 different surgeons Confidence intervals for results not given |
Nili et al, 1999, Israel | 80 patients having first time CABG LIMA immersed in a tube containing 20 ml solution Group I (n=16) Normal saline Group II (n=16) Papaverine 2mg/ml Group III (n=16) Verapamil 0.5mg/ml Group IV (n=16) Nitroglycerine 1 mg/ml Group V (n=16) Nitroprusside 0.5 mg/ml | Double blind PRCT (level 1b) | Graft free flow using electromagnetometer immediately after division and just prior to anastomosis (on CPB) | Group I (saline) pre 39 ± 10 ml/min, post 85 ± 16 ml/min. Group II (papaverine) pre 42 ± 8 ml/min, post 82 ± 6 ml/min. Group III (verapamil) pre 41 ± 8 ml/min, post 78 ± 9 ml/min. Group IV (nitroglycerine) pre 39 ± 11 ml/min, post 84 ± 24 ml/min. Group V (SNP) pre 41 ± 5 ml/min, post 99 ± 12 ml/min. No significant improvement in flow compared to placebo. | Well conducted study Mammary artery harvested by one surgeon Mammary artery soaked in applicators for uniform distribution |
Yavuz et al, 2001, Turkey | 150 patients undergoing CABG ± valves ± Redo surgery. 3 methods of giving 60 mg of papverine in 40 ml Nsal Group I (n=50) Intraluminal papaverine applied retrogradely to unclamped LIMA Group II (n=50) Topical papaverine Group III (n=50) Periarterial papaverine | PRCT (level 2b) | Graft free flow, pre injection and prior to CPB | Group I (intraluminal) pre 63 ± 6 ml/min, post 129 ± 10 ml/min. Group II (topical) pre 60 ± 6 ml/min, post 88 ± 4 ml/min. Group III (peri-arterial) pre 60 ± 6 ml/min, post 131 ± 9 ml/min. Groups I and III significantly better than group II. | No control to compare with No uniformity of surgery in the different groups 6 patients (4%) did not have mammary artery used due to poor flow in spite of papaverine flow |
Complications | Intra-luminal injection caused intimal dissection in 3 patients | ||||
Cooper et al, 1992, UK | 50 patients mammary artery harvested for CABG Group I (n=10) Topical 0.9% saline Group II (n=10) Topical papaverine 6mg in 4 ml Nsal Group III (n=10) Topical Nifedipine 400 ΅g in 4 ml Group IV (n=10) Topical Nitroglycerine 2 mg in 4 ml Nsal Group V (n=10) Topical sodium Nitroprusside 2 mg in 4 ml 5% Dext | Unblinded PRCT (level 2b) | Graft free flow on dissection and 19 min after topical application of study drug (mean and range) | Group I (saline) pre 23(17-88) ml/min, post 38(20-84) ml/min. Group II (papaverine) pre 25(16-78) ml/min, post 43(43-112) ml/min, I vs II p<0.01. Group III (Nifedipine) pre 23(14-66) ml/min, post 71(45-118) ml/min, I vs III p<0.001. Group IV (Nitroglycerine) pre 23(14-28) ml/min, post 62(46-126) ml/min I vs IV p<0.001. Group V (SNP) pre 26(10-58) ml/min, post 108(46-196) ml/min, I vs V p<0.001. | Small sample size Superiority of SNP over the other vasodilators claimed by this paper is not supported by significant inter-group findings between the vasodilator drugs |
Yorgancioglu et al, 2001, Turkey | 86 patients undergoing CABG Group I (n=42) Topical nitroprusside 3mg in 10 ml 5% Dext Group II (n=44) Topical application of 5 ml SNP then 5 ml SNP peri-arterial injection | PRCT (level 2b) | Graft free flow after transection, and before anastomosis | Group I (topical SNP) pre 22 ± 18 ml/min, post 70 ± 36 ml/min. Group II (periarterial SNP) pre 20 ± 17 ml/min, post 107 ± 60 ml/min, p<0.01 between two groups at end of study | No control group to compare findings with |
Vilandt et al, 1999, Denmark | 75 patients undergoing elective CABG Group I (n=26) Intraluminal papaverine (60mg in 2 ml Nsal) at 18 degrees injected into LIMA lumen Group II (n=26) Intraluminal saline Group III (n=25) No injection | PRCT (level 2b) | Graft free flow after dissection and before anastomosis | Group I (papaverine) pre 40 ± 12 ml/min, post 154 ± 364 ml/min. Group II (saline injection) pre 42 ± 18 ml/min, post 84 ± 26 ml/min. Group III (control) pre 36 ± 10 ml/min, post 66 ± 17 ml/min. Post papaverine flow was twice as high compared to controls. | Some patients in control group had high flows and papaverine group had low flows All patients were on nitroglycerine infusion during procedure Papaverine solution was found to have a PH of 3 in 2 samples |
Complications | No incidence of hypotension | ||||
Dregelid et al, 1993, Norway | 51 patients had mammary artery harvested for elective CABG Group I (n=17) Covered with sponge soaked in papaverine (0.8 mg/ml) with intact distal ends until anastomosis Group II (n=17) Covered with sponge soaked in papaverine and distal end disconnected Group III (n=17) Pedicle soaked in glove with papaverine | PRCT (level 2b) | Graft free flow prior to anastomosis | Group I (no disconnection) 44ml/min. Group II (disconnected) 30ml/min. Group III (glove) 60ml/min | Patients on systemic vasodilators during procedure No control to compare papaverine injection to |
Morphometric measurement such luminal area and fold index of the internal elastic lamina | Median luminal area and fold index larger in group III than I and II | ||||
Dregelid et al, 1995, Norway | 78 patients undergoing elective CABG Group I (n=26) Pedicle placed in bag containing papaverine (1.5 mg/ml) Group II (n=26) Intraluminal injection of 2 ml heparinised blood with 0.2 ml of 40 mg/ml papaverine then placed in bag containing papaverine Group III (n=26) Intraluminal injection of heparinised blood + papaverine after harvesting and again just before going on bypass and placed in bag containing papaverine | PRCT (level 2b) | Graft free flow. Mean. | Group I (bag) 58 ml/min. Group II (injection and bag) 82 ml/min. Group III (2 injections and bag) 68 ml/min | Mechanical injury to lumen by intraluminal injection Patients were on systemic nitroglycerine during the procedure Small sample size No comparison with control group who did not have papaverine |
Morphometric measurement | Less folding of internal elastic lamina and larger luminal area in Group II and III (p<0.02) | ||||
Complications | Microscopic mechanical injury in 8(15%) patients with intraluminal injection. Five cases of dissection, 1 disruptions of media, and 2 invaginated medias into lumen. | ||||
Hausmann et al, 1996, Germany | 106 patients for primary, redo and CABG + valve Group I (n=38) Intraluminal injection of papaverine (50mg) Group II (n=46) Topical application of papaverine (50mg) Group III (n=22) Periarterial injection of papaverine (50mg) | PRCT (level 2b) | Graft free flow before harvesting and 12-17 min after papaverine application. Mean. | Group I (Intraluminal) pre 66.1 ml/min, post 105 ml/min. Group II (topical ) pre 53 ml/min, post 85 ml/min. Group III (periarterial) pre 64 ml/min, post 136 ml/min. Groups I and III significantly better flow than group II | Inappropriate sample selection Analysis of data among the 3 groups were done by student's t-test and not one way analysis of variance Times to second measurement varied between groups from 12 min in Gp III to 17 min in Gp II |
Bilgen et al, 1996, Turkey | 60 patients undergoing CABG Group I (n=20) Topical normal saline at 20 °C (6 mg in 4ml Nsal) Group III (n=20) Topical papaverine at 37 °C (6 mg in 4 ml Nsal) | PRCT (level 2b) | Graft free flow immediately after harvesting and median of 16 min after application of vasodilators | Group I (Nsal) pre 38 ± 8 ml/min, post 79 ± 21 ml/min. Group III (37 °C papaverine) pre 37 ± 13 ml/min, post 103 ± 45 ml/min. Grp III superior to Grp II with p=0.0174 | Small sample size Median values calculated by student t-test and Mann-Whitney U test |