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  Green: complete   Little evidence for activated charcoal in tricyclic antidepressant overdose
  BET Title Available 194 Months   Prophylactic gastroprotection in all adult orthopaedic trauma patients receiving low molecular weight heparin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesia?
  Green: complete   Normal partial pressure oxygen in room air as a rule-out for pulmonary embolism
  Green: complete   Does a normal CT scan rule out a subarachnoid hemorrhage
  BET Title Available 232 Months   Barbiturates in near drowning
  BET Title Available 224 Months   Mean arterial pressure in isolated head injury
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is Ultrasound a good diagnostic test for obstructive biliary disease?
  BET Title Available 247 Months   Ultrasonography or diagnostic Peritoneal lavage in abdominal trauma
  BET Title Available 189 Months   Anterior abdominal stab wounds: Choice of investigation in the stable patient
  BET Title Available 295 Months   Halothane in life threatening asthma
  BET Title Available 244 Months   Axillary or elbow crutches in leg injury
  BET Title Available 153 Months   Syncope and a normal ECG - the likelihood of a cardiac arrythmia
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is Cefalexin better than trimethoprim for treating UTI in children?
  BET Title Available 189 Months   Penetrating neck injury in zone 2
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Steroids in chickenpox pneumonia
  BET Title Available 260 Months   Steroid injections for adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder
  BET Title Available 281 Months   Delivering nebulized treatment in severe asthma: mouthpiece or mask
  BET Title Available 295 Months   Sevoflurane or halothane to induce patients with upper airways obstruction
  BET Title Available 218 Months   Systemic or topical antibiotics in otitis externa
  BET Title Available 244 Months   Play therapy or drugs in children in hospital
  BET Title Available 201 Months   Play therapy or drugs for children in Emergency Departments
  BET Title Available 239 Months   Antihypertensives in hypertensive emergencies
  BET Title Available 213 Months   Role of nebulised salbutamol in acute shortness of breath due to pulmonary oedema
  BET Title Available 201 Months   Admission or discharge for a well children with a petechial rash
  BET Title Available 251 Months   Antiseptic dressings for minor burns
  BET Title Available 153 Months   Parenteral analgesia and/or buscopan for abdominal pain
  BET Title Available 285 Months   Risk charts or decision analysis for patient satisfaction with regard to needlestick injuries
  BET Title Available 223 Months   Nitrate therapy in distinguishing between cardiac and non-cardiac chest pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Amiodarone versus Lignocaine in resistant ventricular tachycardia
  BET Title Available 214 Months   Massage therapy in Arthritis
  Green: complete   Flight Deep Vein Thrombosis prophylaxis in lower limb injury
  BET Title Available 223 Months   Controlling bleeding in scalp laceration
  BET Title Available 223 Months   Morphine/Entonox combination versus Morphine/Midazolam for shoulder reduction
  BET Title Available 223 Months   To chest drain or not to chest drain (haemothorax)
  BET Title Available 243 Months   Limb exsanguination in Biers Block
  Green: complete   Should a neonate with possible late onset infection always have a lumbar puncture?
  BET Title Available 217 Months   Miconazole vs nystatin for the treatment of oral candidiasis in infants
  BET Title Available 182 Months   Carbon dioxide detectors in neonatal practice
  BET Title Available 275 Months   Does HIV in mothers predispose to problems with BCG immunisation in their children?
  BET Title Available 189 Months   What is the best steriod to use for Addisonian crisis? Dexamethasone or Hydrocortisone
  BET Title Available 189 Months   The use of Trendelburg position to cardiovert SVT in adult patients back to sinus rhythm
  BET Title Available 274 Months   Does an infusion of IV normal saline aid the recovery rate of the collapsed recreational athlete
  BET Title Available 274 Months   Is mode of delivery a risk factor for hip dislocation at birth (breech)
  BET Title Available 274 Months   Ultrasound scanning and axilliary nerve block
  BET Title Available 249 Months   Emergency Department ultrasound for pericardial tamponade.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   H2 antagonists in anaphylaxis
  BET Title Available 259 Months   diagnosis of ruptured membranes
  BET Title Available 256 Months   Troponin T as an indicator of myocardial damage in pericarditis
  BET Title Available 155 Months   Is adrenaline of benefit in status asthmaticus?
  BET Title Available 235 Months   Management of exacerabation of eczema
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