GCS as predictor of outcome for subarachnoid haemorrhage |
Patients may be sent home after a first epileptic fit |
Analgesia in Head Injury |
Hyperbaric Oxygen or Pressurized Air for Children with Cerebral Palsy: No Difference |
Does intranasal or oral sumatriptan effectively relieve migraine headaches in adolescents? |
Admission for warfarinised patients post minor head injury? |
Early feeding versus conservative treatment in the elderly stroke patient |
Oxygen therapy in acute strokes |
Sedation of seizures in the pre-hospital setting, impact on CNS assessment |
is routine prophylaxis indicated in pts with severe head injury to prevent post injury epilepsy |
In patients with status epilepticus is IV phenytoin a safe second line agent |
Does intravenous mannitol improve outcome in cerebral malaria? |
Chlorpromazine in Migraine |
Long Term Disability After Minor Head Injury |
The use of steroids in adults with bacterial meningitis |
Intracranial Pressure Monitoring In Head injury patients in ICU |
S-100b protein levels as a predictor for long-term disability after head injury |
Do antipyretics prevent febrile convulsions? |
Lumbar Puncture in Febrile Child with Focal Seizure |
Diagnostic utility of CT scan in patients presenting with a first fit |
Role of prolactin in differentiating between fits and pseudofits |
Buccal midazolam as an alternative to rectal diazepam for prolonged seizures in childhood and adolescence |
Does oral diazepam prevent febrile convulsions in children? |
Does early administration of dexamethasone improve neurological outcome in children with meningococcal meningitis? |
Is lignocaine effective in the treatment of convulsive status epilepticus in children? |
Aspirin and the risk of intracranial complications following head injury |
Timing of lumbar puncture in suspected sub arachnoid haemorrhage |
CT brain scan and transient ischaemic attack |
Phenytoin in Alcohol Related Seizures |
Use of aspirin in acute stroke |
Use of thrombolysis in acute ischaemic stroke |
Serum Prolactin and Epilepsy |
Is routine EEG helpful in the management of complex febrile seizures? |
Antifibrinolytics for the initial management of sub arachnoid haemorrhage. |
Can epiaortic ultrasound reduce the incidence of intraoperative stroke during cardiac surgery? |
Safety of thrombolysis for acute myocardial infarction in patients with a previous stroke |
Reinsertion of the stylet prior to needle removal in diagnostic lumbar puncture |
Prochlorperazine is better than sumatariptan in the treatment of acute migraine headache |
Neonatal cranial ultrasound as a predictor of longterm neurodevelopmental outcome in a preterm or low birth weight infants |
CT Angiography for detection of Subarachnoid Haemorrhage |
Dexamethasone to prevent recurrence of benign headache |
UTIs as a cause of febrile convulsions |
Meningitis as a cause of febrile convulsions |
Do all children presenting with their first febrile convulsion need hospital admission? |
Are prolonged febrile convulsions associated with recurrent febrile convulsions? |
In warfarinised patients with significant head injury, does immediate warfarin reversal do more harm than good |
Is routine serum biochemistry helpful in the management of a child with unprovoked seizure? |
Should steroids be used in children with meningococcal shock? |
Do cuffed endotracheal tubes increase the risk of airway mucosal injury and post-extubation stridor in children? |
Are meningeal irritation signs reliable in diagnosing meningitis in children? |
Does caffeine treatment for apnoea of prematurity improve neurodevelopmental outcome in later life?
Does Melatonin improve sleep pattern in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? |
Should Fragile X be tested for in boys with a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder? |
Chlordiazepoxide, the management of alcohol withdrawal and the kindling effect |
Normal CSF: Does it exclude meningitis? |
Efficacy of vagal nerve stimulation in children with medically intractable epilepsy
GlideScope in the Emergency Department |
Observation is recommended even following a normal CT brain in warfarinised head injuries |
Petechia in the well child |
Hypertonic sodium solutions vs mannitol in reducing ICP in traumatic brain injury |
Elevation of serum magnesium may improve clinical outcome after aneursymal subarachnoid haemorrhage |
Should a child with ADHD and epilepsy be given Ritalin?
Should carbamazepine be administered to manage agitation and aggressive behaviour following paediatric acquired brain injury? |
Should phenytoin and carbamazepine be avoided in Asian populations with the HLA-B*1502 positive genetic variant? |
Is cerebral function monitoring as accurate as conventional EEG in the detection of neonatal seizures? |
Is ketamine a viable induction agent for the trauma patient with potential brain injury. |
How common is co-existing meningitis in infants with urinary tract infection? |
What is the impact of computer games on sleep in children? |
Chloral hydrate or midazolam: which is better for sedating children for painless diagnostic imaging?