Steroids only indicated for Bell's palsy with complete paralysis |
Do grommets prevent language delay? |
Myringotomy in traumatic haemotympanum |
Antibiotics for otitis media |
Steroids in sudden sensorineural hearing loss |
Systemic or topical antibiotics in otitis externa |
Management of traumatic pinna haematoma |
In a febrile child, how useful C-reactive protein is in differentiating between acute bacterial and viral otitis media? |
Should we screen every child with otitis media with effusion for allergic rhinitis? |
Antibiotic prophylaxis in traumatic perforation of the tympanic membrane |
Does the clinical finding of ear wax exclude the finding of otitis media?
Ear Foreign Body Removal |
Does the Epley maneuver help reduce symptoms in patients presenting to the Emergency Department with acute benign positional vertigo? |
Steroids for patients with vestibular neuronitis |