BETs and CAs in this Category

You Are In: All categories » Speciality » Diagnostic
Diagnostic » CT
  Green: complete   Skull fracture and intra-cranial injury in children
  Orange: submitted and checked   Post concussional syndrome and minor head injury
  Green: complete   Does a normal CT scan rule out a subarachnoid hemorrhage
  Green: complete   Tangential views or computed tomography in suspected depressed skull fracture
  BET Title Available 186 Months   Penetrating neck injury in zone 2
  Green: complete   Ultrasound or computed tomography in paediatric blunt abdominal trauma
  Green: complete   Ultrasound does not rule out injury in paediatric blunt abdominal trauma
  BET Title Available 225 Months   KUB and US vs Spiral CT in first 24 HRS of Renal Colic, which is more cost effective
  Blue: submitted but not checked   CT head before lumbar puncture in suspected meningitis
  BET Title Available 225 Months   Should we CT patients with asymptomatic haematuria
  Green: complete   CT pulmonary angiogram compared with ventilation-perfusion scan for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism in patients with cardiorespiratory disease
  BET Title Available 264 Months   CXR or CT in Blunt chest trauma?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Do anticoagulated patients who sustain a minor head injury require a CT scan to rule out intra-cranial injury?
  BET Title Available 149 Months   Accuracy of a chest x-ray in diagnosing dissecting thoracic aneurysm.
  Orange: submitted and checked   Accuracy of CT pulmonary angiogram in the diagnosis of of pulmonary embolism.
  BET Title Available 203 Months   Use of imaging techniques in asymptomatic cocaine body packers
  BET Title Available 226 Months   Diagnostic utility of CT scan in patients presenting with a first fit
  BET Title Available 225 Months   CT brain scan and transient ischaemic attack
  Green: complete   Computerized Tomography for Small Bowel Obstruction
  Red: incomplete   Major complications with low molecular weight and unfractionated heparin in patients investigated for thromboembolism.
  Green: complete   CT Angiography for detection of Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
  Blue: submitted but not checked   CT vs USS in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Ultrasound versus computed tomography as the primary screening method in the evaluation of blunt abdominal trauma in the stable adult patient
  Green: complete   Whole-body CT In trauma patients
  Green: complete   Observation is recommended even following a normal CT brain in warfarinised head injuries
  Green: complete   Is physical exam and laboratory data sufficient to exclude intrabdominal injury (IAI) in the pediatric trauma patient?
  Green: complete   Chloral hydrate or midazolam: which is better for sedating children for painless diagnostic imaging?
Diagnostic » General
  Green: complete   Investigating microscopic haematuria in blunt abdominal trauma
  Green: complete   The gag reflex is a poor discriminator for the need for intubation
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Diagnostic needle aspiration in olecranon bursitis may be indicated to define the underlying cause.
  Green: complete   Cervical spine radiography in alert asymptomatic blunt trauma patients
  Green: complete   White cell count and diagnosing appendicitis in children
  BET Title Available 244 Months   Ultrasonography or diagnostic Peritoneal lavage in abdominal trauma
  Green: complete   Serial x-rays in battery ingestion
  BET Title Available 186 Months   Anterior abdominal stab wounds: Choice of investigation in the stable patient
  Green: complete   Tangential views or computed tomography in suspected depressed skull fracture
  BET Title Available 150 Months   Syncope and a normal ECG - the likelihood of a cardiac arrythmia
  Green: complete   Intranasal naloxone in suspected opioid overdose
  Green: complete   Combining clinical probability and ventilation-perfusion scan for diagnosis of pulmonary embolism
  Green: complete   Timing of antibiotic administration in community-acquired pneumonia
  Green: complete   Headache in paediatric head injury
  Green: complete   Detection of pneumoperitoneum on an erect chest X-ray
  Green: complete   Ultrasound does not rule out injury in paediatric blunt abdominal trauma
  Green: complete   Diagnostic utility of ECG for diagnosing pulmonary embolism
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Interference of medical monitoring equipment by mobile phones
  Green: complete   Role of plain abdominal radiograph in the diagnosis of intussusception
  BET Title Available 225 Months   KUB and US vs Spiral CT in first 24 HRS of Renal Colic, which is more cost effective
  BET Title Available 200 Months   What is the most reliable method to diagnose pyelonephritis in children?
  Green: complete   Conservative mangement of asymptomatic cocaine body packers
  Green: complete   Outpatient investigation of pulmonary embolism
  Red: incomplete   Urine dipstick as rule out of urinary caculi
  Green: complete   Abdominal radiography in 'Body Packers'.
  BET Title Available 264 Months   CXR or CT in Blunt chest trauma?
  Green: complete   Are follow up chest X-rays helpful in the management of children recovering from pneumonia?
  Green: complete   Need for cervical spine imaging for alert children after trauma
  Green: complete   Detection of Acute Aortic Dissection with D-Dimer
  Green: complete   What is the use of the glass test?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Normal Temerature in the elderly
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Plain radiography is not indicated as 1st choice imaging modality in children with non-traumatic back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   The clinical utility of soluble CD40 ligand as a cardiac marker in the Emergency Department
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Whole blood choline as a cardiac marker for use in the Emergency Department
  Blue: submitted but not checked   N-terminal-pro-BNP may have more potential than BNP as a marker of acute coronary syndromes
  Green: complete   Are meningeal irritation signs reliable in diagnosing meningitis in children?
  Green: complete   Digital rectal exams in children who present with constipation
  Green: complete   How useful are bowel sounds?
  Green: complete   RIFLE criteria versus Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) criteria for prognosis of acute renal failure
  Green: complete   Does the ‘Seatbelt Sign’ predict intra-abdominal injury after motor vehicle trauma in children?
Diagnostic » USS
  Green: complete   Abdominal ultrasound in the diagnosis of childhood appendicitis
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Can we use bedside Ultrasound to differentiate between COPD and Pulmonary edema?
  Green: complete   Ultrasound scanning in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in pregnancy
  BET Title Available 244 Months   Ultrasonography or diagnostic Peritoneal lavage in abdominal trauma
  Green: complete   SimpliRed and diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis
  Green: complete   Ultrasound in the diagnosis of testicular torsion
  Green: complete   Does ultrasound-guided central line insertion reduce complications and time to placement in elective patients undergoing cardiac surgery
  Green: complete   Ultrasound or computed tomography in paediatric blunt abdominal trauma
  Green: complete   Ultrasound does not rule out injury in paediatric blunt abdominal trauma
  Blue: submitted but not checked   ED Bedside Ultrasound guided volume assessment with IVC diameter
  BET Title Available 225 Months   KUB and US vs Spiral CT in first 24 HRS of Renal Colic, which is more cost effective
  BET Title Available 200 Months   What is the most reliable method to diagnose pyelonephritis in children?
  BET Title Available 149 Months   Accuracy of a chest x-ray in diagnosing dissecting thoracic aneurysm.
  BET Title Available 259 Months   Differences in abdominal US between emergency physicians and radiologists at detecting hemoperitoneum?
  BET Title Available 203 Months   Use of imaging techniques in asymptomatic cocaine body packers
  Blue: submitted but not checked   The role of compression in ankle sprain injuries in children
  Blue: submitted but not checked   High spatial resolution Sonography in diagnosis of suspected fracture of Scaphoid
  Green: complete   Can epiaortic ultrasound reduce the incidence of intraoperative stroke during cardiac surgery?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Neonatal cranial ultrasound as a predictor of longterm neurodevelopmental outcome in a preterm or low birth weight infants
  BET Title Available 150 Months   Can urinary myoglobin assay be used to assess the risk of developing acute renal failure in patients with rhabdomylosis
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Transabdominal or Transvaginal Ultrasound?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   CT vs USS in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis
  Blue: submitted but not checked There are 2 critical appraisals linked to this BET Ultrasound VS IVP in detecting renal stones
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Ultrasound versus computed tomography as the primary screening method in the evaluation of blunt abdominal trauma in the stable adult patient
  Green: complete   Can the nature and extent of orbital trauma be optimally assessed with Ultrasound Imaging in the Emergency Department?
  Green: complete   The use of ultrasound for diagnosing paediatric wrist fractures
  Green: complete   Using ultrasound to detect peritoneal fluid in a pregnant patient with abdominal trauma
  Green: complete   Is ultrasound or chest x-ray best for the diagnosis of pneumothorax in the emergency department?
  Green: complete   Emergency Physician bedside ultrasound for the diagnosis of cholelithiasis
  Green: complete   Can ultrasound diagnose scaphoid fractures?
  Green: complete   Bedside echocardiography for prognosis of emergency department cardiac arrest?
  Green: complete   Central line insertion in deranged clotting
  Green: complete   Is Doppler ultrasound superior to upper gastrointestinal contrast study for the diagnosis of malrotation?
  Green: complete   The effectiveness of therapeutic ultrasound in the treatment of acute sciatica.

Generic appraisals

Puskas JD, Williams, Duke PG et al.
critical appraisals
Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting provides complete revascularization with reduced myocardial injury,transfusion requirements, and length of stay: a single blind RCT
Randomised control trial
Kirkpatrick AW
critical appraisals
Hand-held Thoracic Sonography for Detecting Post-Traumatic Pneumothoraces: the Extended Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (EFAST)
levitan RM
critical appraisals
Limitations of difficult airway prediction in patients intubated in the emergency department.
Baker R.C, Tiller T., Bausher J. et al
critical appraisals
Severity of Disease correlated with fever reduction in febrile infants
Diagnostic » X-Ray
  Green: complete   Children with a history of coin ingestion should have oesophageal impaction ruled out radiologically
  Green: complete   Lateral neck x-rays are not indicated in the emergency department management of suspected fish bone impaction.
  Green: complete   Pelvic radiography is not always indicated in severe blunt trauma if the patient has no pelvic symptoms and is GCS 15
  BET Title Available 191 Months   Prophylactic gastroprotection in all adult orthopaedic trauma patients receiving low molecular weight heparin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesia?
  Green: complete   Radiological diagnosis of mandibular fracture
  Green: complete   Are routine chest x-rays helpful in the management of febrile neutropenia?
  Green: complete   Role of plain abdominal radiograph in the diagnosis of intussusception
  Green: complete   Swimmers view or supine oblique views to visualise the cervicothoracic junction
  Green: complete   Abdominal radiography in 'Body Packers'.
  BET Title Available 264 Months   CXR or CT in Blunt chest trauma?
  Green: complete   Which facial views for facial trauma?
  BET Title Available 264 Months   Chest X Ray, rib fracture and exclusion pneumothorax
  Green: complete   Are follow up chest X-rays helpful in the management of children recovering from pneumonia?
  Green: complete   Need for cervical spine imaging for alert children after trauma
  Green: complete   Cervical spine imaging in children under 9 after trauma
  Green: complete   The sensitivity of a normal chest radiograph in ruling out aortic dissection
  Green: complete   Diagnostic utility of chest xray for investigation of pulmonary embolism
  BET Title Available 203 Months   Use of imaging techniques in asymptomatic cocaine body packers
  Blue: submitted but not checked   High spatial resolution Sonography in diagnosis of suspected fracture of Scaphoid
  Green: complete   Role of flexion/extension radiography in paediatric neck injuries
  Green: complete   Role of flexion/extension radiography in neck injuries in adults
  Green: complete   Elbow extension as a 'rule-out' tool for significant injury in adults
  Green: complete   Elbow extension as a 'rule-out' tool for significant injury in children
  Green: complete   In children presenting to the Emergency Department what is the specificity of rib fractures for non-accidental injury?
  Red: incomplete   Major complications with low molecular weight and unfractionated heparin in patients investigated for thromboembolism.
  Green: complete   The use of ultrasound for diagnosing paediatric wrist fractures
  Green: complete   Is ultrasound or chest x-ray best for the diagnosis of pneumothorax in the emergency department?
  Green: complete   Predicting the need for knee radiography in the emergency department: Ottawa or Pittsburgh rule?
  Green: complete   Are Skeletal Surveys Useful in the Evaluation for Physical Abuse in Children
Diagnostic » Other
  Green: complete   Oucher or CHEOPS for pain assessment in children
  Green: complete   Is there a role for the use of radical lymph node dissection in the surgical management of resectable non-small cell lung cancer?
  Green: complete   The first ECG has a low sensitivity for myocardial infarction in patients with chest pain
  Green: complete   Normal partial pressure oxygen in room air as a rule-out for pulmonary embolism
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Diagnostic utility of arterial blood gases for investigation of pulmonary embolus
  Green: complete   Magnetic resonance imaging versus bone scintigraphy in the diagnosis of plain X ray occult scaphoid fractures
  Green: complete   Hand held metal detectors are sensitive enough to rule out oesophageal coins
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Interference of medical monitoring equipment by mobile phones
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Lumbar puncture after febrile convulsion
  BET Title Available 182 Months   Role of combined cardiac enzyme assay in chest pain or suspected myocardial infarction with non-diagnostic ECG
  Green: complete   CT pulmonary angiogram compared with ventilation-perfusion scan for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism in patients with cardiorespiratory disease
  BET Title Available 203 Months   Use of imaging techniques in asymptomatic cocaine body packers
  Green: complete   Is routine EEG helpful in the management of complex febrile seizures?
  Red: incomplete   Major complications with low molecular weight and unfractionated heparin in patients investigated for thromboembolism.
  Green: complete   Current evidence does not support the use of a negative D-dimer to rule out suspected pulmonary embolism in pregnancy.
  Green: complete   Transcutaneous Bilirubinometry in Jaundiced Newborns
  Yellow: electronic pre-print   Ottawa Knee Rule in children
  Blue: submitted but not checked There are 4 critical appraisals linked to this BET Sensitivity of haematuria at detecting urinary calculi
  Blue: submitted but not checked There are 2 critical appraisals linked to this BET Ultrasound VS IVP in detecting renal stones
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is positive dipstick alone enough to identify the cause as infective in patients with dysuria and haematuria?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is tympanic or oral thermometry more accurate in febrile children?
  BET Title Available 227 Months   Provocation discography for the diagnosis of discogenic chronic low back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   P-selectin in the triage of suspected cardiac chest pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Thrombospondin as an early marker of acute coronary syndromes
  Blue: submitted but not checked   D-dimer for the emergent exclusion of acute coronary syndromes
  Green: complete   Rapid Influenza Testing Of Febrile children in the Emergency Department
  Green: complete   Is there a role for serum procalcitonin in the differentiation between septic and non-septic arthritis?
  Green: complete   Caffeine in the prophylaxis of post lumbar puncture headache.
  Green: complete   Use of intravenous omeprazole in gastrointestinal patients before endoscopy
  Green: complete   Pericardial fluid adenosine deaminase in the diagnosis of tuberculous pericardial effusion.
  Green: complete   Clinical tests for Scaphoid fractures
  Green: complete   Which is the best clinical test for diagnosing a full thickness rotator cuff tear?
  Green: complete   Use of bedside echocardiography for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism in the Emergency Department
  Green: complete   Should Fragile X be tested for in boys with a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder?
  Green: complete   Urethral catheter or suprapubic aspiration to reduce contamination of urine samples in young children?
  Green: complete   Are troponin levels indicated for the routine management of SVT?
  Green: complete   Petechia in the well child
  Green: complete   Caffeine in the treatment of post lumbar puncture headache
  Green: complete   Is capillary refill time a useful marker of haemodynamic status in neonates?
  Green: complete   BinaxNOW Malaria rapid diagnostic test in returning travelers?
  Green: complete   Positioning of compartment pressure monitors in lower limb fractures
  Green: complete   Is cerebral function monitoring as accurate as conventional EEG in the detection of neonatal seizures?
  Green: complete   How common is co-existing meningitis in infants with urinary tract infection?