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  Blue: submitted but not checked   Early radiography in acute lower back pain
  BET Title Available 231 Months   Physiotherapy in the treatment of pulmonary embolism.
  BET Title Available 231 Months   Physiotherapy to treat deep vein thrombosis.
  Green: complete   Tennis elbow and epicondyle clasp
  Blue: submitted but not checked   TENS for lower back pain
  BET Title Available 231 Months   Wound Swabs in Open Fractures
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Absorbable sutures in pediatric lacerations.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   A tender chest does not rule out an acute coronary syndrome
  BET Title Available 231 Months   Oral steroids in management of asthma in acute peptic ulcer patient
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Magnetic resonance imaging of suspected scaphoid fractures
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Muscle relaxants for acute low back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Treatment of jellyfish stings
  Blue: submitted but not checked   The effects of prolonged use of Tubigrip™ after ankle inversion injury
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Do oral steroids help in viral induced wheeze in preschool children admitted to hospital?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Buscopan (hyoscine butylbromide) in biliary colic.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Dexamethasone to prevent recurrence of benign headache
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Are cardiac markers worth measuring in adult patients presenting to the Emergency Department with syncope?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Strong opiates in the treatment of acute low back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   NSAIDS in acute low back pain
  Yellow: electronic pre-print   Ottawa Knee Rule in children
  Green: complete   Should the pericardium be closed in patients undergoing cardiac surgery?
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Does pleurotomy during internal mammary artery harvest increase post-operative pulmonary complications?
  Green: complete   Continuous subglottic suction is effective for prevention of ventilator associated pneumonia
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Acupuncture in acute back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Proxymetacaine is the local anaesthetic of choice for removal of corneal foreign bodies
  BET Title Available 211 Months   The accuracy of echocardiography in the diagnosis of traumatic pericardial tamponade.
  BET Title Available 181 Months   Adrenal suppression and use of etomidate as an induction agent in RSI's
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Nebulised epinephrine in paediatric acute asthma
  Blue: submitted but not checked There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Prediction of fracture associated with anterior shoulder dislocation.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Duration of Antibiotic Therapy for Suspected Neonatal Sepsis
  Blue: submitted but not checked   More than just lipid-lowering: emergency statins within the initial 12 hours of an acute coronary syndrome
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Don't put off till tomorrow: Statins should be given within 24 hours of onset in acute coronary syndromes
  Blue: submitted but not checked   A new CURE? Clopidogrel ahead of coronary angioplasty in acute coronary syndromes
  Green: complete   Is polyethylene glycol safe and effective for chronic constipation in children?
  Green: complete   Are antiemetics helpful in young children suffering from acute viral gastroenteritis?
  Orange: submitted and checked   Exercise for acute back pain
  Green: complete   Does deflating the lungs and sawing from the xiphisternum reduce the chance of accidental pleurotomy during sternotomy?
  Green: complete   Is the Allen's test adequate to safely confirm that a radial artery may be harvested for coronary arterial bypass grafting?
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET What is the optimal vasodilator for preventing spasm in the left internal mammary artery during coronary arterial bypass grafting?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Exercise for Chronic Back Pain
  Green: complete   Inflatable nasal tampons are less painful than dry hydrophilic nasal tampons
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Spinal fusion in chronic back pain
  Green: complete   Might gene therapy offer symptomatic relief for patients with 'no option' angina?
  Green: complete   Is Methylene Blue of benefit in treating adult patients who develop vasoplegic syndrome during Cardiac Surgery
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Distal Interphalangeal Joint Dislocations
  Blue: submitted but not checked   NSAIDs in chronic back pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Intradiscal electrothermy for the treatment of discogenic chronic low back pain
  BET Title Available 211 Months   Antihistamines in Acute Asthma
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Intraspinal opioids for the management of chronic low back pain
  BET Title Available 229 Months   Anaesthetic agent for epiglottis