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Antihistamines in Acute Asthma

Three Part Question

IN [adults who present with an acute attack of asthma] IS [giving antihistamines useful] AT [relieving bronchospasm]

Clinical Scenario

A 24yr old lady known to have asthma is brought to casulty with and acute attack of asthma. She is obviously short of breath, not talking in full sentences and has a widespread wheeze. You start her on continuous nebulised salbutamol but she shows little improvement. Her friend who is with her tell you that her attack seems to have been brought on my exposure to something she inhalled at work. You wonder if she would benefit from a dose at antihistamines in addition to her standard treatment.

Search Strategy

[{exp ASTHMA/ or or bronchial} and {(asthma adj2 attack).mp. [mp=title, original title, abstract, name of substance word, subject heading word] or [mp=title, original title, abstract, name of substance word, subject heading word] or exp Acute Disease/ or acute} limit to (humans and english language)
45 articles found none of which answered the question directly.