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  Blue: submitted but not checked   HCV-RNA PCR is more sensitive test than anti-HCV antibody test at detecting HCV
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Triple compared to dual anti-retroviral therapy is the most effective at reducing HIV infectivity
  BET Title Available 219 Months   Inteferon is the best available drug for reducing HCV infection
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Can sodium bicarbonate prevent contrast induced renal failure?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   The role of clinical examination in the differential diagnosis of acute testicular pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   The use of colour doppler ultrasonography in differential diagnosis of testicular pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Treatment of torsion within the 8 hour 'window of opportunity'
  BET Title Available 220 Months   The role of urine dipstick test in the differential diagnosis of testicular pain
  Blue: submitted but not checked   In patients where thrombus has been excluded, does a high d-dimer result indicate an underlying malignancy?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Glycopyrrolate for the Treatment of Biliary Colic
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Beta blockers in acute porphyria
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Opiate abuse in acute porphyria
  Blue: submitted but not checked There are 2 critical appraisals linked to this BET IV haem therapy in acute porphyria
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Muscle relaxants in acute porphyria
  Blue: submitted but not checked   RSI in acute porphyria
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Cognitive Behavior Therapy in the post-operative phase for Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) recipients.
  BET Title Available 219 Months   SAH with xanthachromia on LP. Will this patient go on to have a positive cerebral angiogram requiring surgical intervention.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Pain control in acute porphyria
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Diagnosis of acute porphyria
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Anticonvulsants in acute porphyria
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is Ultrasound Shockwave Therapy beneficial in treating Plantar Fasciitis?
  Green: complete   Is recombinant factor VIIa beneficial in the management of acute spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Anti-emetics in acute porphyria
  Blue: submitted but not checked   CT vs DPL in blunt abdominal trauma patients
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Analgesia in blunt abdominal trauma
  Blue: submitted but not checked   The use of anti-emetics in blunt abdominal trauma patients
  Blue: submitted but not checked   CT vs Contrast CT
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Do all children presenting to the emergency department with a needlestick injury require PEP for HIV to reduce HIV transmission.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Colour doppler ultrasonography versus surgical exploration
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Diagnostic utility of clinical signs and symptoms in the diagnosis of compartment syndrome of the lower limb
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Carbohydrate loading in acute porphyria.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Timing of Initiation and Duration of Postexposure Prophylaxis after Sexual Exposure To HIV
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Behavioural Interventions to Reduce Risk-Taking Sexual Behaviour
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Efficacy of postexposure prophylaxis after sexual exposure to HIV
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Is recombinant activated factor VII useful for intractable bleeding after cardiac surgery?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   OGTT or elevated HbA1c for diagnosing diabetes?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Novel agents for Paediatric analgesia
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is oral contraceptive usage in young females of childbearing age group associated with pulmonary hypertension in absence of pulmonary thromboembolism?
  Green: complete   Do bisphosphonates relieve pain caused by acute osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures?
  Green: complete   Use of lidocaine in the GI Cocktail for the treatment of Dyspepsia
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Diagnostic validity of clinical tests for posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Yoga helps in the treatment of chronic lower back pain to improve both pain and functional ability
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Pilates helps in the treatment of chronic lower back pain to improve functional ability and symptoms
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Neurobehavioral performance of residents after heavy call versus after light call with alcohol ingestion.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Benzodiazepines in acute severe asthma
  BET Title Available 218 Months   Is paracetamol and codiene better than paracetamol alone in controlling dental pain
  BET Title Available 218 Months   Is co-amoxicalv better than amoxicillin for a dental abscess?
  Green: complete   Does drinking "flat" cola prevent dehydration in children with acute gastroenteritis?
  Yellow: electronic pre-print   Do foot pumps improve time to surgery for patients with unstable ankle fractures?
  BET Title Available 208 Months   What is the patency of the gastroepiploic artery when used for coronary artery bypass grafting?