Nebulised ipratropium bromide is not indicated in bronchiolitis. |
Oral steroids are as effective as intravenous steroids in acute severe asthma |
Needle aspiration better than chest drain for spontaneous pneumothorax |
Is there a role for the use of radical lymph node dissection in the surgical management of resectable non-small cell lung cancer? |
Normal partial pressure oxygen in room air as a rule-out for pulmonary embolism |
Can we use bedside Ultrasound to differentiate between COPD and Pulmonary edema? |
Prophylactic antibiotics in near-drowning |
Does nebulised adrenaline reduce admission rate in bronchiolitis? |
Bronchodilator delivery in acute severe asthma in adults |
Delivery of bronchodilators in acute asthma in children |
Halothane in life threatening asthma |
SimpliRed D-dimer does not rule out suspected pulmonary embolus |
Combining clinical probability and ventilation-perfusion scan for diagnosis of pulmonary embolism |
Chest wall tenderness: a useful discriminatory sign of PE? |
Steroids in chickenpox pneumonia |
Timing of antibiotic administration in community-acquired pneumonia |
Delivering nebulized treatment in severe asthma: mouthpiece or mask |
Sevoflurane or halothane to induce patients with upper airways obstruction |
Hyperbaric (HBO) or normobaric oxygen (NBO) in the treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning |
Does plain radiography predict pneumothorax size? |
Beta-agonists with or without anti-cholinergics in the treatment of acute childhood asthma? |
CPAP in acute left ventricular failure |
Magnesium Sulphate in Acute Asthma |
Capillary blood gases are comparable to arterial gases in COPD |
Lignocaine as a pretreatment to Rapid Sequence Induction in patients with status asthmaticus. |
Is IV aminophylline better than IV salbutamol in the treatment of moderate to severe asthma |
Nitrate therapy in distinguishing between cardiac and non-cardiac chest pain |
NIPPV for acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema |
Diagnostic utility of ECG for diagnosing pulmonary embolism |
Are routine chest x-rays helpful in the management of febrile neutropenia? |
Managing acute pulmonary oedema with high or standard dose nitrate |
Use of Heliox in the management of acute exacerbation of COPD. |
Endotracheal adrenaline in intubated patients with asthma |
Accuracy of combining clinical probability score and simpliRED D-dimer for diagnosis of pulmonary embolism |
Preterm babies with PPHN may not benefit from nitric oxide. |
Chest drains in traumatic occult pneumothorax |
Transthoracic ultrasonography to diagnose pneumothorax in trauma |
Does iron have a place in the management of breath holding spells? |
Inhaled steroids in the treatment of mild to moderate persistent asthma in children: once or twice daily administration? |
Does the application of opiates, during an attack of Acute Cardiogenic Pulmonary Oedma, reduce patients' mortality and morbidity? |
Is adrenaline of benefit in status asthmaticus? |
Antibiotics in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) |
Administration of steroids in acute exacerbations of COPD |
Is homeopathy better than placebo in the treatment of bronchial asthma ? |
Outpatient investigation of pulmonary embolism |
CT pulmonary angiogram compared with ventilation-perfusion scan for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism in patients with cardiorespiratory disease |
Does ST segment monitoring rule in MI |
IL D-dimer test in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism |
Suction at perineum of neonates with meconium stained liquor |
Are follow up chest X-rays helpful in the management of children recovering from pneumonia? |
Are newer macrolides effective in eradicating carriage of Pertussis? |
Are methylxanthines effective in preventing or reducing apnoeic spells in infants with bronchiolitis? |
Use of heliox for acute asthma in the emergency department |
amidarone versus lidocaine as first line drug in stable VT |
In patients with spontaneous pneumothorax, does treatment with oxygen increase resolution rate?
Type of oral coticosteroid in mild to moderate croup |
Is nebulised salbutamol indicated in bronchiolitis? |
Chest physiotherapy is not useful in bronchiolitis. |
Is elective high-frequency oscillatory ventilation better than conventional mechanical ventilation in very low-birth-weight-infants? |
Oral steroids are not indicated in bronchiolitis. |
Is nebulised tolazoline an effective treatment for persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn? |
Accuracy of CT pulmonary angiogram in the diagnosis of of pulmonary embolism. |
Fluid resuscitation in burns |
Clinical probability scoring and pulmonary embolism |
Diagnostic utility of chest xray for investigation of pulmonary embolism |
Nebulised magnesium in asthma |
Is nasogastric fluid therapy a safe alternative to the i.v. route in infants with bronchiolitis? |
Intravenous magnesium in chronic pulmonary disease (COPD) |
Risks from re-breathing own expirations for the hyperventilating patient |
Can surfactant cure babies with severe bronchiolitis? |
Nebulised Magnesium In Acute Paediatric Asthma |
Neurodevelopmental outcome following Nitric Oxide Therapy for Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension in Term Newborn Infants |
Humidified air is not indicated for mild to moderate croup |
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and exacerbations of asthma in children |
1 or 2 chest drains for lobectomy |
Safety of inferior vena cava filters as primary treatment for proximal deep vein thrombosis |
Is continuous positive airway pressure effective in bronchiolitis? |
Does palivizumab prevent serious respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) infants? |
Is an intravenous infusion of salbutamol better than continuous nebulized salbutamol in the treatment of moderate to severe asthma in children? |
Is bubble jet CPAP more effective in respiratory distress syndrome? |
Delivery room surfactant vs intensive care surfactant |
Does CPAP in delivery room decrease chronic lung disease? |
In Pulmonary Embolus is the Aa gradient a useful diagnostic tool? |
Spiral CT versus IVU for the evaluation of renal/Ureteric colic |
Does it matter whether a chest drain is aimed upwards or downwards for the optimum drainage of fluid or air from the pleural cavity ? |
How useful is breast feeding in protecting infants against respiratory and gastrointestinal infections? |
Safety of thrombolysis for acute myocardial infarction in patients with a previous stroke |
Does magnesium sulphate have a role in the management of paediatric status asthmaticus? |
Massive PE and cardiogenic shock. To thrombolyse or not to thrombolyse, that is the question. |
Does needle always mean tube after suspected tension pneumothorax? |
Peak expiratory flow rate as a discriminator in acute exacerbation of COPD |
Do Leukotriene receptor antagonists reduce the clinical severity in acute bronchiolitis? |
Is there a role for prophylaxis against atrial fibrillation for patients undergoing lung surgery? |
Major complications with low molecular weight and unfractionated heparin in patients investigated for thromboembolism. |
Does anticoagulation improve outcome in patients with pulmonary embolism? |
Aspirin in the treatment of acute pulmonary embolism |
Do recombinant DNAse improve clinical outcome in an infant with RSV positive bronchiolitis? |
Does the radial artery provide better long-term patency than the saphenous vein? |
Physiotherapy in the treatment of pulmonary embolism. |
Oral steroids in management of asthma in acute peptic ulcer patient |
Do oral steroids help in viral induced wheeze in preschool children admitted to hospital? |
Are cardiac markers worth measuring in adult patients presenting to the Emergency Department with syncope? |
Nebulised epinephrine in paediatric acute asthma |
Does deflating the lungs and sawing from the xiphisternum reduce the chance of accidental pleurotomy during sternotomy? |
Antihistamines in Acute Asthma |
Intubation and NIPPV in heart failure |
Use of nitrates, opiates and diuretics in heart failure |
Use of diuretics and ace-inhibitors in heart failure |
Use of nitrates and ace-inhibitors in heart failure |
Continuous v/s Intermittent Nebulisers in Acute Asthma |
Nebulised Furosemide in Acute Adult Asthma |
High flow oxygen in acute exacerbation of COPD |
Can ventilation while on cardiopulmonary bypass improve post-operative lung function for patients undergoing cardiac surgery? |
The Use of IV Aminophylline in addition to beta-agonists and steroids in Acute Asthma |
Prognostic Value of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) in Community Acquired Pneumonia |
Nebulised hypertonic saline significantly decreases length of hospital stay and reduces symptoms in children with bronchiolitis |
Is NIV an effective intervention for patients with acute exacerbations of asthma? |
Oral steroids are just as effective as intravenous steroids in acute exacerbations of COPD |
Is ultrasound or chest x-ray best for the diagnosis of pneumothorax in the emergency department? |
Use of bedside echocardiography for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism in the Emergency Department |
Should I use 2.5mg or 5mg Nebulised Salbutamol in Acute Exacerbations of COPD? |
Do written asthma action plans reduce hospital admissions? |
Dexamethasone versus prednisolone in asthma |
Can pneumonia caused by penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae be treated with penicillin?
Doxapram resurrected? Weak evidence of efficacy suggests a potential use in patients ineligible for non-invasive ventilation |
Should hypertonic saline be used in patients with cystic fibrosis who respond unsatisfactorily to recombinant deoxyribonuclease?
Are oral antibiotics as efficacious as intravenous antibiotics for the treatment of community acquired pneumonia? |
Does combined oral dexamethasone and epinephrine inhalation help infants with bronchiolitis to recover faster? |