Ibuprofen is probably better than Paracetamol in reducing fever in children |
Is fanning therapy effective in childhood pyrexias |
Are routine chest x-rays helpful in the management of febrile neutropenia? |
Should a neonate with possible late onset infection always have a lumbar puncture? |
Does HIV in mothers predispose to problems with BCG immunisation in their children? |
Should tympanic temperature measurement be trusted? |
Should preterm neonates with a central venous catheter (CVC) and coagulase negative staphylococcal (CoNS) bacteremia be treated without removal of the catheter? |
Lumbar puncture after febrile convulsion |
Is once daily dosing of Gentamicin equally safe and effective as multiple dosing in neonates? |
Duration of observation for children with febrile convulsions. |
Tepid sponging in the febrile child |
Are follow up chest X-rays helpful in the management of children recovering from pneumonia? |
Are newer macrolides effective in eradicating carriage of Pertussis? |
Accuracy of negative dipstick urinalysis in ruling out urinary tract infection in adults |
In a febrile child, how useful C-reactive protein is in differentiating between acute bacterial and viral otitis media? |
In children under age three does procalcitonin help exclude serious bacterial infection in fever without focus? |
Identification of meningococcus from skin scrapings without LP |
Is early use of steroid helpful in preventing
subsequent nephropathy in Henoch-Schonlein purpura ? |
Do antipyretics prevent febrile convulsions? |
Lumbar Puncture in Febrile Child with Focal Seizure |
Is a normal WBC enough to rule out septic arthritis? |
Should we screen every child with otitis media with effusion for allergic rhinitis? |
Is routine EEG helpful in the management of complex febrile seizures? |
Should a child with preseptal periorbital cellulitis be treated with intravenous or oral antibiotics? |
Should acyclovir be prescribed for immunocompetent children presenting with chickenpox? |
Duration of Antibiotic Therapy for Suspected Neonatal Sepsis |
How useful is C-reactive protein in detecting occult bacterial infection in young children with fever without apparent focus? |
Is tympanic or oral thermometry more accurate in febrile children? |
UTIs as a cause of febrile convulsions |
Meningitis as a cause of febrile convulsions |
Do all children presenting with their first febrile convulsion need hospital admission? |
Are prolonged febrile convulsions associated with recurrent febrile convulsions? |
Distinguishing between septic arthritis of the hip and transient synovitis in children |
Are meningeal irritation signs reliable in diagnosing meningitis in children? |
Rapid Influenza Testing Of Febrile children in the Emergency Department |
Honey for the Symptomatic Relief of Cough in Children with Upper Respiratory Tract Infections |
Role of antibiotic line locks in the treatment of infected central venous access devices in children |
How effective is varicella-zoster immunoglobulin (VZIG) in preventing chickenpox in neonates following perinatal exposure?
Can pneumonia caused by penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae be treated with penicillin?
How common is co-existing meningitis in infants with urinary tract infection? |