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  Green: complete   The Use of IV Aminophylline in addition to beta-agonists and steroids in Acute Asthma
  Green: complete   Distinguishing between septic arthritis of the hip and transient synovitis in children
  Yellow: electronic pre-print   Intranasal versus injectable naloxone for opioid overdose
  Green: complete There are 2 critical appraisals linked to this BET Oral antihistamines for insect bites
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Calcium and vitamin D3 in osteoporotic fractures
  BET Title Available 225 Months   To intubate or not to intubate - management of multiple rib fractures
  Green: complete   Should critically ill patients be routinely transfused to a normal haemoglobin level?
  BET Title Available 225 Months   Does measuring the size of a patient's little finger reflect optimal size of nasopharyngeal airway?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Should urine polymerase chain reaction for Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis be used as a screening test in women?
  Green: complete   Sudden onset single floater symptom in one eye: is urgent dilated fundal examination by an ophthalmologist warranted?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   High dose caffeine for extubation of preterm infants
  BET Title Available 225 Months   In children does the use of a cuffed tracheostomy tube prevent aspirative pneumonia?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Ultrasound versus computed tomography as the primary screening method in the evaluation of blunt abdominal trauma in the stable adult patient
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Corticosteroids may be beneficial for infant outpatients with viral bronchiolitis
  Green: complete   Does daily prednisolone reduce the risk of relapse secondary to viral infections in steroid-dependant nephrotic syndrome?
  Green: complete   Does oral aciclovir improve clinical outcome in immunocompetent children with primary herpes simplex gingivotomatitis?
  Green: complete   Should steroids be used in children with meningococcal shock?
  Green: complete   Do cuffed endotracheal tubes increase the risk of airway mucosal injury and post-extubation stridor in children?
  Green: complete   Should children with Henoch-Schonlein purpura and abdominal pain be treated with steroids?
  Green: complete   Should venous sample be used instead of capillary sample for estimation of blood glucose in patients with shock
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is cyclizine is better than metoclopramide in patients with moderate to severe abdomen pain
  BET Title Available 224 Months   The value of pre-hospitalisation self-administered preventative measures against MRSA SSIs in patients undergoing elective total hip arthroplasty.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   The post operative outpatient physiotherapy treatment of Total Knee Replacement (TKR)
  Green: complete   Is supplementary iron useful when preterm infants are treated with erythropoietin?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Physiotherapy Treatment for myogenic TMJ pain
  Green: complete   What is the risk of cancer in a child with hemihypertrophy?
  Green: complete   Clopidogrel plus aspirin or aspirin alone in unstable angina
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Use of oxygen in patients with acute heart failure
  Green: complete   Full blood count and reticulocyte count in painful sickle crisis
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Does routine urinalysis and chest radiography detect occult bacterial infection in sickle cell patients presenting to the accident and emergency department with painful crisis?
  BET Title Available 185 Months   Use of Sodium Bicarbonate in treatment of lithum toxicity
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Use of Ultrasound in Paediatric Femoral Nerve Blocks
  Green: complete   Should Lobectomy or pneumonectomy patients with microscopic involvement of the bronchial resection margin undergo re-operation to improve their long-term survival?
  Green: complete   Does a percutaneous tracheostomy have a lower incidence of complications compared to an open surgical technique?
  Green: complete   Is skeletonized internal mammary harvest better than pedicle internal mammary harvest in coronary artery bypass grafting?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Thioamides for the treatment of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Gastric lavage in acute organophosphate poison
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Can cellulitis be managed effectively outside of the hospital?
  BET Title Available 185 Months   Test BET
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Physiotherapy following surgical repair of Bankart lesions of the shoulder
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Effectiveness of intravenous aminophylline in management of acute exacerbation of COPD
  Green: complete   Steroids in attempted hanging
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Utility of a chest x-ray in the diagnosis of heart failure.
  BET Title Available 211 Months   LMH v/s UFH in STEMI treated with thrombolysis
  BET Title Available 222 Months   Does Icthammol paste bandage aid healing in pre-tibial injuries.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Modulating the progress of renal dysfunction in diabetic nepropathy through dietary protein restriction.
  BET Title Available 222 Months   Role of arthroscopy in adhesive capsulitis
  Green: complete   Should all patients with non-small cell lung cancer who are surgical candidates have cervical mediastinoscopy preoperatively?
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Does radial artery harvest with a harmonic scalpel result in fewer complications than standard electrocautery methods?
  BET Title Available 221 Months   Is sildenafil effective for treating pulmonary hypertension after pediatric heart surgery?