Management of fractures of the neck of the fifth metacarpal |
No evidence for either curettage or silver nitrate for pyogenic granulomas on the hand |
Operative repair or conservative treatment for partial laceration of the extensor tendons of the hand |
Digital or metacarpal block for finger injuries |
Treatment of uncomplicated subungual haematoma |
Reimplantation of the nail root in fingertip crush injuries in children |
Antibiotics and compound finger fracture |
Intranasal diamorphine in adults with severe pain. |
Management of punch wounds to the MCPJ caused by teeth |
Incision and drainage preferable to oral antibiotics in acute paronychial nail infection? |
Infection risk when trephining Subungal Haematomas with associated closed distal phalangeal fractures. |
Prophylactic antibiotics for subungual hematoma |
Early mobilisation for volar plate avulsion fractures |
Subungal Haematoma: Trephine drainage versus non-drainage |
Fascia iliaca compartment block for control of hip/femur fracture pain in adult patients |
Prophylactic antibiotics are not indicated in uncomplicated hand lacerations. |
Does measuring the size of a patient's little finger reflect optimal size of nasopharyngeal airway? |
The Role of Prophylactic Antibiotics in Compound Fractures of the Distal Phalanges of the Hand |