Bypass is better than external rewarming after hypothermic cardiac arrest |
Fluid resuscitation in acute abdominal aortic aneurysm |
In patients with dysrhythmias following tricyclic overdose patients treatment should include alkalinisation to a pH of 7.55 |
Is haloperidol or a benzodiazepine the safest treatment for acute psychosis in the critically ill patient? |
The gag reflex is a poor discriminator for the need for intubation |
Intravenous Magnesium in shock-resistant tachyarrhythmias |
The first ECG has a low sensitivity for myocardial infarction in patients with chest pain |
Troponin T does not rule out myocardial damage until 12 hours after the onset of chest pain |
The prehospital use of pneumatic anti-shock garments |
Steroids in the management of near-drowning |
Can cardiac troponins be used to diagnose a perioperative myocardial infarction post cardiac surgery? |
Steroids in acute spinal cord injury |
Barbiturates in near drowning |
Prophylactic antibiotics in near-drowning |
Mean arterial pressure in isolated head injury |
Lignocaine premedication before rapid sequence induction in head injuries |
Ultrasonography or diagnostic Peritoneal lavage in abdominal trauma |
Halothane in life threatening asthma |
Thrombotic complications of a femoral central venous catheter |
Sevoflurane or halothane to induce patients with upper airways obstruction |
Terlipressin and somatostatin appear equally effective in the treatment of bleeding oesophageal varices |
BURP and laryngoscopy |
Does plain radiography predict pneumothorax size? |
Endotracheal intubation in gamma-hydroxybutyric acid intoxication and overdose |
CPAP in acute left ventricular failure |
Lignocaine as a pretreatment to Rapid Sequence Induction in patients with status asthmaticus. |
Hypertonic or isotonic saline in hypotensive patients with severe head injury |
Multiple different bronchodilators unnecessary in acute COPD |
Cricoid pressure in emergency Rapid Sequence Induction |
Are routine anti-emetics required with iv morphine? |
Can the value of end tidal CO2 prognosticate ROSC in patients coming into ED with an out of hospital cardiac arrest (OOHCA)? |
Amiodarone versus Lignocaine in resistant ventricular tachycardia |
Dopexamine use as prophylaxis for renal impairment in critically ill patients |
The use of loop diuretics in acute renal failure in critically ill patients to reduce mortality, maintain renal function or avoid the requirements for renal support. |
Propofol for status epilepticus |
Phenytoin or Fosphenytoin as a second line treatment of Status Epilepticus in the Emergency Department. |
The use of loop diuretics in acute renal failure in critically ill patients - maintenance of renal function |
Endotracheal adrenaline in intubated patients with asthma |
What is the risk of AMI in amphetamine induced chest pain presenting to the ED? |
Albumin infusions in hypoalbuminaemic children with oncological disease did not affect colloid osmotic pressure or outcome |
Chest drains in traumatic occult pneumothorax |
Seldinger technique chest and complication rate |
Safe discharge of some patients who have taken an overdose of opioids may be possible after one hour |
Intravenous or intramuscular/subcutaneous naloxone in opiod overdose |
Colourimetric CO2 detector versus capnography for confirming ET tube placement |
Low dose (renal dose) dopamine in the critically ill patient |
H2 antagonists in anaphylaxis |
Oral methionine compared with intravenous n-acetyl cysteine for paracetamol overdose |
Role of plain abdominal radiograph in the diagnosis of intussusception |
Difficult intubation, the bougie and the stylet |
Energy levels for emergency cardioversion with biphasic defibrillators |
To Stab or Slash: the percutaneous dilatation or standard surgical approach to cricothyroidotomy in prehospital care |
Is the oesophageal detector device a reliable method for detecting ET tube location in the absence of ETCO2 monitoring. |
Stable Traumatic Pneumopericardium – Operate or Hesitate? |
Thrombolysis may be of benefit in patients with prolonged cardiac arrest |
Thrombolysis in right ventricular myocardial infarction. |
Thrombolysis in posterior myocardial infarction. |
High-flow haemofiltration in sepsis |
Terlipressin or sclerotherapy for acute variceal bleeding? |
Cocaine induced myocardial ischaemia - nitrates versus benzodiazepines |
Computer tomography and the exclusion of upper cervical spine injury in trauma patients with altered mental state |
The Infective Complications of a Femoral Central Venous Line |
Is the central venous pressure reading equally reliable if the central line is inserted via the femoral vein |
Use of octreotide acetate to prevent rebound hypoglycemia in sulphonyluria overdose |
Atropine: Re-evaluating its use during pediatric RSI |
USS guidance reduces the complications of central line placement in the Emergency Department |
What is the use of the glass test? |
Intracranial Pressure Monitoring In Head injury patients in ICU |
Do asymptomatic premature infants need routine 'top up' transfusions? |
Etomidate for procedural sedation in the emergency department. |
Use of bicarbonate in adults with diabetic ketoacidosis |
Therapeutic hypothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest |
Excision of injection site in the treatment of insulin overdose. |
Cardiopulmonary bypass and the survival of patients in cardiac arrest |
Two thumb versus two finger CPR in infants |
Does early administration of dexamethasone improve neurological outcome in children with meningococcal meningitis? |
Paddle position in emergency cardioversion of atrial fibrillation |
Is continuous positive airway pressure effective in bronchiolitis? |
Is bubble jet CPAP more effective in respiratory distress syndrome? |
Does it matter whether a chest drain is aimed upwards or downwards for the optimum drainage of fluid or air from the pleural cavity ? |
How accurate is capillary refill time at measuring shock in infants and children? |
Antimicrobial and antibiotic coated central venous catheters |
Bone Injection Gun Placement of Intraosseous Needles |
Methanol poisoning antidote - Fomepizole or ethanol? |
Steroids post use of Etomidate for RSI in the ED |
Do low dose steroids improve outcome in septic shock? |
Is Norepinephrine better than Dopamine in vasopressor support of Septic Shock? |
Aminophylline in bradyasystolic cardiac arrest |
Anion gap is a screening tool for elevated lactate with risk of sepsis |
Continuous subglottic suction is effective for prevention of ventilator associated pneumonia |
The accuracy of echocardiography in the diagnosis of traumatic pericardial tamponade. |
Adrenal suppression and use of etomidate as an induction agent in RSI's |
Intubation and NIPPV in heart failure |
Inhalational injury in burns patients |
The use of benzodiazepines to control seizures following tricyclic overdose |
Normalisation of pCO2 levels associated with better outcomes in opiate overdose. |
Concomitant use of alcohol in opiate overdose and the association with a poorer outcome. |
Concomitant use of benzodiazepines in opiate overdose and the association with a poorer outcome. |
Management of glucose post cardiac arrest |
To intubate or not to intubate - management of multiple rib fractures |
Should critically ill patients be routinely transfused to a normal haemoglobin level? |
Should steroids be used in children with meningococcal shock? |
Do cuffed endotracheal tubes increase the risk of airway mucosal injury and post-extubation stridor in children? |
Use of pericardiocentesis for patients with cardiac tamponade in penetrating chest trauma |
Central venous catheterisation - internal jugular or subclavian approach? |
Does caffeine treatment for apnoea of prematurity improve neurodevelopmental outcome in later life?
Role of antibiotic line locks in the treatment of infected central venous access devices in children |
What's the Best Vasopressor in Septic Shock? |
What is the effect of cardiopulmonary resuscitation at birth on extremely premature infants?
Is intravenous immunoglobulin superior to exchange transfusion in the management of hyperbilirubinaemia in term neonates? |
Intensive insulin vs. conventional treatment for hyperglycaemia in critically ill patients |
Is capillary refill time a useful marker of haemodynamic status in neonates?
Is there an increased risk of necrotising enterocolitis in preterm infants whose mothers' expressed breast milk is fortified with multicomponent fortifier? |
Should carbon dioxide detectors be used to check correct placement of endotracheal tubes in preterm and term neonates? |