Author, date and country | Patient group | Study type (level of evidence) | Outcomes | Key results | Study Weaknesses |
Levine B et al. USA | 119 cases investigated by the office of the chief medical examiner where where death was attributed to narcotic or alcohol and narcotic intoxication. | Retrospective analysis. | Frequency and contribution of concomitant ethanol concentrations in heroin related deaths. | Greater percentage of narcotic deaths where ethanol is present.At ethanol concentrations of 0.2-0.29g/dL increased blood morphine concentrations.In ethanol concentrations over 0.3g/dL morphine is less of a factor than ethanol in death. | Abstract only. Full paper not available. |
Odegard E, Rossow I. 1998-2000 Norway | 3838 cases of non fatal overdose reporded by ambulance staff given report sheets. | Retrospective study.. | Was the overdose more severe if alcohol had been ingested. | A higher percentage of patients were unconscious and had insufficient respiration who had taken alcohol with opiates.However there is no statistically significant difference. | The number of non-fatal overdoses declined over time, which may have been due to a change in accuracy of completing the sheets. Ambulance data sheets may not be reliable. Data regarding alcohol intake relied on honestly and accuracy of subjects. No fatal overdoses were included in the data. No gold standard was given for diagnosis of opiate overdose. |
Juan Gutitkrez- Cebollada et al. 1992 Spain | 76 heroin addicts admitted to the emergency department; 54 because of overdose and 22 seeking urgent medical care for unrelated causes. | Survey and retrospective review. | Influence of plasma levels of alcohol on GCS. | Plasma concentrations of over 800mg/ml did not contribute significantly to heroin overdose. | Relatively small sample size. Large difference between sample size of overdose group and non-overdose group. Survey of events surrounding overdose relied on self-report. Concomitant use of alcohol may have affected factors other than the GCS, such as respiratory rate, andd this could have been studies. |
Deborah Zador et al. 1992 Australia | Coronial files of 152 heroin related deaths. | Retrospective eview | Influence of blood alcohol levels on morphine levels | High levels of blood alcohol mean less heroin is required to exert a fatal effect. | The low levels of blood alcohol may have been due to alcohol induced liver enzymes increasing heroin metabolism. Heroin relalted deaths may not have been attributed to overdose but other causes. Subjects were designated into groups according to frequency of use based on accuracy of witnesses. |