Three Part Question
In a [young adult with dysrhythmias following tricyclic antidepressant overdose] is [treatment with bicarbonate better than no active treatment] at [normalising cardiovascular function]?
Clinical Scenario
A 27 year old woman presents with a history of having taken 30 tricyclic antidepressant tablets 3 hours before admission. ECG monitoring shows frequent dysrhythmias. You wonder whether giving sodium bicarbonate intravenously is worthwhile.
Search Strategy
Medline 1966-12/98 using the OVID interface.
({[exp bicarbonates OR bicarbonate$.mp] AND [antidepressive agents, tricyclic OR exp amitriptyline OR exp imipramine OR exp desipramine OR exp fluoxetine OR tricyclic$.mp]} LIMIT to human AND english language)
Search Outcome
54 papers found of which 43 irrelevant and 7 of insufficient quality for inclusion
Relevant Paper(s)
Author, date and country |
Patient group |
Study type (level of evidence) |
Outcomes |
Key results |
Study Weaknesses |
Brown TC et al 1973 Australia | 4 children 18 months to 3 years | Case reports | Blood pressure | Normalised | |
Rhythm | Normalised |
Brown TC 1976 Australia | 12 children 15 months to 12 years with arrhythmias
Sodium bicarbonate 0.5 - 2 mEq/kg | Observational | Rhythm | 9/12 reverted to sinus rhythm | |
Koppel C et al 1992 Germany | 184 cases of overdose.
8 patients with cardiac disturbance
100 mmol of sodium bicarbonate | Observational | Rhythm | 4/8 reverted to sinus rhythm | |
Hoffmann JR et al 1993 USA | 91 patients with overdose
Sodium bicarbonate to a pH of 7.55 | Observational | Blood pressure | 20/21 normalised | |
Rhythm | 39/49 improved |
The evidence for current practice is all based on observational studies. The largest study uses recommends alkalinisation to a pH of 7.55; other studies have used fixed bicarbonate doses. There are no properly designed trials in this area.
Clinical Bottom Line
On current best evidence alkalinisation to a Ph of 7.55 appears to be appropriate therapy for patients with dysrhythmias following tricyclic overdose.
- Brown TC, Barker GA, Dunlop ME et al. The Use of Sodium Bicarbonate in the Treatment of Tricyclic Antidepressant-Induced Arrhythmias. Anaest Intens Care 1973;1(3):203-210.
- Brown TC. Sodium bicarbonate treatment for tricyclic antidepressant arrhythmias in children Med J Austr 1976;2(10):380-382.
- Koppel C, Wiegreffe A, Tenczer J. Clinical Course, Therapy, Outcome and Analytical Data in Amitriptyline and Combined Amitriptyline/Chlordiazepoxide Overdose. Human Exp Toxicol 1992;11(6):458-465.
- Hoffman JR, Votey SR, Bayer M et al. Effect of Hypertonic Sodium Bicarbonate in the Treatment of Moderate-to-Severe Cyclic Antidepressant Overdose. Am J Emerg Med 1993;11(4):336-341.