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  BET Title Available 247 Months   Milk and bleach poisoning
  BET Title Available 261 Months   Intravenous H2 antagonists in acute upper GI bleed
  BET Title Available 261 Months   Oral H2 antagonist in acute upper GI bleed
  BET Title Available 260 Months   Pethidine versus morphine in patients presenting with Biliary colic?
  BET Title Available 205 Months   Neurological Outcome with Mechanical CPR
  BET Title Available 92 Months   Physiotherapy in acute neck sprains
  BET Title Available 145 Months   Severe sudden onset headache associated with coitus
  BET Title Available 162 Months   Management of traumatic pinna haematoma
  BET Title Available 149 Months   Accuracy of a chest x-ray in diagnosing dissecting thoracic aneurysm.
  BET Title Available 236 Months   Should warfarin therapy be commenced alongside low molecular weight heparin on diagnosis of a deep vein thrombosis?
  Green: complete   Is nebulised salbutamol indicated in bronchiolitis?
  BET Title Available 231 Months   The use of clear plastic wrap dressings in burns
  BET Title Available 259 Months   Differences in abdominal US between emergency physicians and radiologists at detecting hemoperitoneum?
  Green: complete   Detection of Acute Aortic Dissection with D-Dimer
  BET Title Available 247 Months   Use of anticolic agents in infants less than 4 months
  Green: complete   Oral steroids are not indicated in bronchiolitis.
  BET Title Available 250 Months   In Central Retinal Artery occlusion does Aspirin administration improve outcome
  BET Title Available 258 Months   Arthroscopy in supraspinous tendinitis
  BET Title Available 258 Months   Role of early aspiration of Haemarthrosis of knee joint on vasularity of internal structures
  BET Title Available 255 Months   Use of Low molecular weight heparins in first presentation atrial fibrillation
  BET Title Available 145 Months   Routine AXR in patients with abdo pain?
  BET Title Available 231 Months   Use of BNP in diagnosis of LVF
  Green: complete   Diagnostic utility of chest xray for investigation of pulmonary embolism
  BET Title Available 255 Months   Identification of meningococcus from skin scrapings without LP
  BET Title Available 173 Months   Colours doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis of atypical / early testicular torsion in boys under 12 years of age.
  BET Title Available 203 Months   Thrombolysis in cocaine-associated myocardial infarction
  BET Title Available 203 Months   Use of imaging techniques in asymptomatic cocaine body packers
  BET Title Available 254 Months   Intracranial Pressure Monitoring In Head injury patients in ICU
  BET Title Available 205 Months   Do asymptomatic premature infants need routine 'top up' transfusions?
  BET Title Available 253 Months   In hypertension, does meditation reduce blood pressure?
  BET Title Available 253 Months   Does lactobacillus reduce the duration of diarrhoea in children with acute gastroenteritis
  BET Title Available 253 Months   Do lactose free feeds reduce duration of diarrhoea in children with acute gastroenteritis
  BET Title Available 253 Months   Are antibiotics useful in the treatment of sore throats in children?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Etomidate for procedural sedation in the emergency department.
  BET Title Available 253 Months   Hypothermia - is active rewarming safe
  BET Title Available 252 Months   Risks from re-breathing own expirations for the hyperventilating patient
  BET Title Available 252 Months   Benefits of oxygen for the hyperventilating patient in the pre-hospital environment
  BET Title Available 201 Months   Lumbar Puncture in Febrile Child with Focal Seizure
  BET Title Available 226 Months   Diagnostic utility of CT scan in patients presenting with a first fit
  BET Title Available 252 Months   Role of prolactin in differentiating between fits and pseudofits
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is a normal WBC enough to rule out septic arthritis?
  BET Title Available 252 Months   IUCDs and routine antibiotics
  BET Title Available 250 Months   Emergency Management of a Perichondrial Haematoma
  BET Title Available 250 Months   Is Naloxone effective in treating paediatric clonidine overdose?
  BET Title Available 250 Months   Should prophylactic antibiotics be prescribed for rib fractures to prevent infective complications in patients with concurrent chest problems
  Green: complete   Topical anaesthetic and pain associated with lumbar puncture in neonates
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is lignocaine effective in the treatment of convulsive status epilepticus in children?
  BET Title Available 220 Months   1 or 2 chest drains for lobectomy
  BET Title Available 225 Months   CT brain scan and transient ischaemic attack
  BET Title Available 210 Months   Should aspirin be stopped in epistaxis
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