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  BET Title Available 49 Months   The importance of effective pelvic binder application in the pre-hospital setting
  BET Title Available 49 Months   Correlation between Acute mesentric Ischemia and serum lactate level
  BET Title Available 49 Months   Should we X-ray elderly with confirmed thoracic spine fractures?
  BET Title Available 49 Months   Hyponatremia
  BET Title Available 49 Months   Would measurement of C-reactive protein and leukocyte counts reduce the rate of negative exploration for acute appendicitis in adult population
  BET Title Available 50 Months   Prophylactic antibiotic use after urinary catheterization in the emergency department
  BET Title Available 50 Months   In patients with a surgical history of aortic valve replacement, what is the best management method for an aortic dissection?
  BET Title Available 48 Months   Treatment of perforated appendix in children
  BET Title Available 46 Months   Clinical utility of D-dimer to rule out PE in the first trimester of pregnancy
  BET Title Available 44 Months   Vasopressors in Burn Shock
  BET Title Available 45 Months   Clinical Scoring Methods in Acute Sore Throat
  BET Title Available 45 Months   Naloxone Titration vs Bolus doses in acute opioid overdose
  BET Title Available 44 Months   Alteplase dose in cardiac arrest due to pulmonary embolus
  BET Title Available 42 Months   Pre Hospital Diazapam Use in Under Weight Adults
  BET Title Available 42 Months   Paramedic End of Life Care and admission avoidance
  BET Title Available 43 Months   Lung Ultrasound vs Chest X Ray, NPA and CT at diagnosis of COVID-19 Pneumonitis.
  BET Title Available 41 Months   Troponin and BNP as markers for cardiac involvement in PIMS-TS
  BET Title Available 41 Months   Admission biochemical markers in PIMS-TS
  BET Title Available 40 Months   Speech Therapy for Vocal Cord Dysfunction
  BET Title Available 40 Months   Antifibrinolytic Agents for Haemoptysis in Adults With Cystic Fibrosis
  BET Title Available 41 Months   Managing an incidental finding of high blood pressure
  BET Title Available 41 Months   Inotropic support for warm shock associated with PIMS-TS
  BET Title Available 39 Months   H2 blockers in the treatment of anaphylaxis
  BET Title Available 41 Months   Paracetamol use for lower back pain
  BET Title Available 41 Months   Mifepristone and Misoprostol in outpatient early pregnancy loss
  BET Title Available 39 Months   The University of Oxford, AstraZeneca vaccine for COVID-19 and thrombosis
  BET Title Available 39 Months   Should Aspirin Be Stopped In Epistaxis
  BET Title Available 39 Months   Does administering pre-hospital antibiotics reduce the rate of wound infections in adult patients with open fractures?
  BET Title Available 43 Months   Validity of ATLS classification of haemorrhage shock
  BET Title Available 36 Months   Effectiveness of Fascia Iliaca Block using ultrasound compared to landmark technique
  BET Title Available 29 Months   Nasogastric decompression for small bowel obstruction: evidence or tradition?
  BET Title Available 18 Months   Managing an aggressive patient safely and quickly in an Emergency Department.
  BET Title Available 21 Months   Oxygen Therapy in Trauma
  BET Title Available 21 Months   The use of floseal in patients on anti coagulation agents presenting to ED
  BET Title Available 18 Months   MRI in detecting subarachnoid haemorrhage in the acute phase
  BET Title Available 27 Months   Does the use of dexamethasone in cancer patients increase the risk of GI perforation.
  BET Title Available 30 Months   Is Peppermint Tea effective in alleviating post colonoscopy pain?
  BET Title Available 29 Months   Can chest pain patients be safely discharged, given they have a low HEART score and one undetectable highly sensitive cardiac troponin?
  BET Title Available 31 Months   Assessing blood loss after childbirth using shock index
  BET Title Available 41 Months   The impact of prehospital endotracheal intubation on outcome in moderate to severe traumatic brain injury
  BET Title Available 31 Months   In patients with suspected cauda equina syndrome (CES), is clinical evaluation compared to MRI/surgically confirmed cases, able to predict/safely rule out the diagnosis.
  BET Title Available 30 Months   Jefferson's Burst Fracture treated with Posterior C1 Lateral Mass Screw Approximation
  BET Title Available 29 Months   Buddy taping compared to splint immobilization for finger fractures.
  BET Title Available 30 Months   Effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen treatment in preventing neurlogical sequelae in children with carbon monoxide poisoning
  BET Title Available 30 Months   Smoking levels and the risk of aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage
  BET Title Available 29 Months   Does Abdominal Auscultation Aid in the Diagnosis of Small Bowel Obstruction?
  BET Title Available 29 Months   The use of mindfulness to improve clinical performance among learners in emergency and critical care medicine
  BET Title Available 31 Months   In adults with subarachnoid haemorrhage does absence of meningism increase the likelihood of survival?
  BET Title Available 32 Months   Role of Prophylactic Antiepileptics in Prevention of Febrile Seizures during Episode of Fever in Children with febrile seizures.
  BET Title Available 36 Months   Should you stop methotrexate prior to thoracic surgery?
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