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  BET Title Available 269 Months   Intravenous or oral/neublizer salbutamol in severe hyperkalemia
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Capillary blood gases as an alternative to arterial puncture in shock
  Green: complete   Outpatient investigation of pulmonary embolism
  Green: complete   Use of troponin for the diagnosis of myocardial contusion after blunt chest trauma
  Green: complete   Capillary blood gases as an alternative to arterial puncture in diabetic ketoacidosis
  BET Title Available 236 Months   Spontaneous pneumothorax in a neonate and association with renal malformations
  Blue: submitted but not checked   IV Opiates versus femoral block in fractured neck of femur
  Green: complete   Beta-blockers in cocaine induced acute coronary syndrome
  BET Title Available 269 Months   Analgesia in Head Injury
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Duration of observation for children with febrile convulsions.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Rethrombolysis in acute myocardial infarction
  Green: complete   Venous blood gas in adult patients with diabetic ketoacidosis
  Green: complete   Topical Analgesia for Pain Reduction in Arterial Puncture
  Green: complete   Terlipressin or sclerotherapy for acute variceal bleeding?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Antibiotics in eyelid lacerations
  BET Title Available 149 Months   Does a mixture of lignocaine and propofol help with managing the pain from injections?
  Green: complete   Cocaine induced myocardial ischaemia - nitrates versus benzodiazepines
  Red: incomplete   Urine dipstick as rule out of urinary caculi
  BET Title Available 146 Months   Absence of PV bleed does not exclude ectopic pregnancy
  Green: complete   Swimmers view or supine oblique views to visualise the cervicothoracic junction
  Green: complete   Abdominal radiography in 'Body Packers'.
  Green: complete   Glucagon in tricyclic overdose
  Green: complete   Epidural analgesia/anaesthesia versus systemic intravenous opioid analgesia in the management of blunt thoracic trauma.
  Green: complete   CT pulmonary angiogram compared with ventilation-perfusion scan for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism in patients with cardiorespiratory disease
  Blue: submitted but not checked   All low molecular weight heparins are equal, but some more equal than others. A comparison of clexane and fragmin in ACS.
  BET Title Available 267 Months   Does ST segment monitoring rule in MI
  BET Title Available 267 Months   Does ST segment monitoring predict MI/mortality in the near future.
  Green: complete   IL D-dimer test in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism
  BET Title Available 267 Months   Emergency Department Thrombolysis in Painless or asymptomatic myocardial Infarction
  Green: complete   Computer tomography and the exclusion of upper cervical spine injury in trauma patients with altered mental state
  BET Title Available 268 Months   Is Isoprenaline infusion better than intravenous glucagon for symtomatic beta-blocker overdose
  BET Title Available 267 Months   CXR or CT in Blunt chest trauma?
  Green: complete   Which facial views for facial trauma?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Hyperbaric Oxygen or Pressurized Air for Children with Cerebral Palsy: No Difference
  Red: incomplete   Use of high dose statins in immediate treatment of acute coronary syndromes
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Bicarbonate therapy in children with DKA
  Green: complete   Is perianal dermatitis a sign of sexual abuse?
  BET Title Available 267 Months   Peptic ulcer disease and aspirin in chest pain
  BET Title Available 207 Months   Has ATLS affected outcome?
  Green: complete   Dose of dexamethasone in croup
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Do anticoagulated patients who sustain a minor head injury require a CT scan to rule out intra-cranial injury?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Does intranasal or oral sumatriptan effectively relieve migraine headaches in adolescents?
  BET Title Available 267 Months   Suction at perineum of neonates with meconium stained liquor
  Blue: submitted but not checked   How accurate is clinical diagnosis at identifying patients with cholecystitis?
  BET Title Available 267 Months   Fluclox or Fluclox/Pen V for cellulitis
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Anticoagulation for acute ischaemic limbs
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Does a normal CRP exclude serious pathology in the patient with acute abdominal pain
  BET Title Available 267 Months   Chest X Ray, rib fracture and exclusion pneumothorax
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Admission for warfarinised patients post minor head injury?
  BET Title Available 266 Months   Early feeding versus conservative treatment in the elderly stroke patient
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