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Specific treatment
  Green: complete   The use of oral or intravenous antidote for paracetamol overdose
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Timing of antidote in paracetamol overdose
  Green: complete   In patients with dysrhythmias following tricyclic overdose patients treatment should include alkalinisation to a pH of 7.55
  Green: complete   Activated charcoal is indicated in paracetamol overdose
  Green: complete   Little evidence for activated charcoal in tricyclic antidepressant overdose
  Green: complete   Activated charcoal reduces the gastric absorption of iron compounds
  Green: complete   Gastric lavage in aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug overdose
  Green: complete   Gastric Lavage in Tricyclic Antidepressant Overdose
  Green: complete   No good evidence supports gastric lavage in iron overdose
  Green: complete   Management of acute ethylene glycol poisoning
  Green: complete   Prophylactic antibiotics in near-drowning
  Green: complete   Flumazenil and suspected benzodiazepine overdose
  Green: complete   Antibiotics in non venomous snake bite
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Hyperbaric (HBO) or normobaric oxygen (NBO) in the treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning
  Green: complete   Glucagon for the treatment of symptomatic B-blocker overdose
  Green: complete   Endotracheal intubation in gamma-hydroxybutyric acid intoxication and overdose
  Green: complete   Leucovorin (calcium folinate) in "antifreeze" poisoning
  Green: complete   Gammahydroxybutyrate overdose and physostigmine
  Green: complete   Gastric lavage in paracetamol poisoning
  Green: complete   Intravenous or intramuscular/subcutaneous naloxone in opiod overdose
  Green: complete   Oral methionine compared with intravenous n-acetyl cysteine for paracetamol overdose
  Green: complete   No clinical evidence for gastric lavage in lithium overdose
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Evidence limited and against gastric lavage in arsenic overdose
  Green: complete   Beta-blockers in cocaine induced acute coronary syndrome
  Green: complete   Cocaine induced myocardial ischaemia - nitrates versus benzodiazepines
  Green: complete   Glucagon in tricyclic overdose
  BET Title Available 265 Months   Is Isoprenaline infusion better than intravenous glucagon for symtomatic beta-blocker overdose
  Green: complete   Use of octreotide acetate to prevent rebound hypoglycemia in sulphonyluria overdose
  BET Title Available 247 Months   Milk and bleach poisoning
  Green: complete   Scorpion envenomation: Does administration of antivenom alter outcome?
  Green: complete   Treatment of Jellyfish Stings in UK coastal waters: Vinegar or Sodium Bicarbonate
  Red: incomplete   Choice of antidote in cyanide poisoning
  BET Title Available 203 Months   Thrombolysis in cocaine-associated myocardial infarction
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Excision of injection site in the treatment of insulin overdose.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Delayed activated charcoal in opioid poisoning
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Do IV fluids resuscitate patients with uncomplicated acute alcohol intoxication by hastening ethanol clearance?
  Yellow: electronic pre-print   Phenytoin in Alcohol Related Seizures
  Green: complete   Nebulized levalbuterol or albuterol for lowering serum potassium
  Green: complete   Scorpion envenomation: Does antivenom reduce serum venom concentrations?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Methanol poisoning antidote - Fomepizole or ethanol?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Magnesium sulphate for dysrhythmias associated with tricyclic antidepressants
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Monitoring Stable patients in Tricyclic antidepressant overdose
  Blue: submitted but not checked   The use of Sodium Bicarbonate in Tricyclic antidepressant overdose
  Orange: submitted and checked There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET The use of intravenous catecholamines in Tricyclic antidepressant overdose with refractory hypotension
  Green: complete   Diagnosis of drug overdose by rapid reversal with Naloxone.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   The use of benzodiazepines to control seizures following tricyclic overdose
  Green: complete   Prediction of fatal overdose in opiate addicts.
  Yellow: electronic pre-print   Normalisation of pCO2 levels associated with better outcomes in opiate overdose.
  BET Title Available 228 Months   Atropine in complete heart block secondary to calcium channel blockers toxicity/overdose.
  Yellow: electronic pre-print   Intranasal versus injectable naloxone for opioid overdose
  Green: complete   Chlordiazepoxide, the management of alcohol withdrawal and the kindling effect
  Green: complete   Rhabdomyolysis and the use of sodium bicarbonate and/or mannitol
  Green: complete   Intralipid/Lipid Emulsion in Beta-blocker overdose