Admission or discharge for a well children with a petechial rash |
Is perianal dermatitis a sign of sexual abuse? |
What is the use of the glass test? |
Is early use of steroid helpful in preventing
subsequent nephropathy in Henoch-Schonlein purpura ? |
Topical anaesthetic and pain associated with lumbar puncture in neonates |
Should acyclovir be prescribed for immunocompetent children presenting with chickenpox? |
Does oral aciclovir improve clinical outcome in immunocompetent children with primary herpes simplex gingivotomatitis? |
Should children with Henoch-Schonlein purpura and abdominal pain be treated with steroids? |
How effective is varicella-zoster immunoglobulin (VZIG) in preventing chickenpox in neonates following perinatal exposure?
Petechia in the well child |
Is what we tell parents about strawberry naevi correct?