Serum amylase or lipase to diagnose pancreatitis in patients presenting with abdominal pain. |
Urinary Trypsinogen to rule out acute pancreatitis in patients with abdominal pain |
Ultrasonography or diagnostic Peritoneal lavage in abdominal trauma |
Accuracy of clincal examination in detecting/excluding serious abdominal pathology |
Serum amylase and acute pancreatitis |
Does a normal CRP exclude serious pathology in the patient with acute abdominal pain |
Differences in abdominal US between emergency physicians and radiologists at detecting hemoperitoneum? |
Use of anticolic agents in infants less than 4 months |
Routine AXR in patients with abdo pain? |
Insulin bolus in DKA, is it necessary? |
Intensive insulin vs. conventional treatment for hyperglycaemia in critically ill patients |
Early nasogastric feeding in severe acute pancreatitis |