Ultrasonography or diagnostic Peritoneal lavage in abdominal trauma |
Serial x-rays in battery ingestion |
Accuracy of clincal examination in detecting/excluding serious abdominal pathology |
Chiropractice may be an effective treatment in infantile colic |
Gastric lavage in paracetamol poisoning |
Terlipressin or sclerotherapy for acute variceal bleeding? |
Abdominal radiography in 'Body Packers'. |
Glucagon in tricyclic overdose |
Does a normal CRP exclude serious pathology in the patient with acute abdominal pain |
Differences in abdominal US between emergency physicians and radiologists at detecting hemoperitoneum? |
Use of anticolic agents in infants less than 4 months |
Routine AXR in patients with abdo pain? |
In a child with acute gastroenteritis, do Probiotics reduce the duration and severity of diarrhoea? |
Naso-gastric rehydration in children |
Method of gut decontamination |
Ondansetron in childhood gastroenteritis |
SADPERSONS Scale in Assessing Self Harm Risk |
Use of intravenous omeprazole in gastrointestinal patients before endoscopy |
Rhabdomyolysis and the use of sodium bicarbonate and/or mannitol |
Optimal body position in oral poisoning cases |
Use of Intralipid in Tricyclic overdose |
Intralipid/Lipid Emulsion in Beta-blocker overdose |
Steroid therapy in the treatment of intractable hyperemesis gravidarum |
Can pregabalin effectively diminish acute herpetic pain and reduce the incidence of post-herpetic neuralgia in patients who present with acute herpes zoster? |