Do grommets prevent language delay? |
Play therapy or drugs in children in hospital |
Play therapy or drugs for children in Emergency Departments |
Does melatonin help children with learning disabilities sleep? |
Spontaneous pneumothorax in a neonate and association with renal malformations |
Hyperbaric Oxygen or Pressurized Air for Children with Cerebral Palsy: No Difference |
Tepid sponging in the febrile child |
Behavioural Treatments for Sleep Disorders in Children with Downs Syndrome |
Neurodevelopmental outcome following Nitric Oxide Therapy for Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension in Term Newborn Infants |
Neonatal cranial ultrasound as a predictor of longterm neurodevelopmental outcome in a preterm or low birth weight infants |
Short stature and the probability of coeliac disease, in the absence of gastro-intestinal symptoms |
Do well infants born with an isolated single umbilical artery need investigation? |
Does Melatonin improve sleep pattern in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? |
Should Fragile X be tested for in boys with a diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder? |
What is the effect of cardiopulmonary resuscitation at birth on extremely premature infants?
Do lycra garments improve function and movement in children with cerebral palsy? |
Is what we tell parents about strawberry naevi correct?
Should a child with ADHD and epilepsy be given Ritalin?
Should carbamazepine be administered to manage agitation and aggressive behaviour following paediatric acquired brain injury? |
Is Doppler ultrasound superior to upper gastrointestinal contrast study for the diagnosis of malrotation? |
What is the impact of computer games on sleep in children? |
What is the incidence of biotin deficiency in preschool children with global developmental delay? |