No difference between oral and nebulised steroids in croup |
No difference was shown between nebulized epinephrine and nebulized budesonide in moderately severe croup. |
Does nebulised adrenaline reduce admission rate in bronchiolitis? |
Dose of dexamethasone in croup |
Are follow up chest X-rays helpful in the management of children recovering from pneumonia? |
Are newer macrolides effective in eradicating carriage of Pertussis? |
Are methylxanthines effective in preventing or reducing apnoeic spells in infants with bronchiolitis? |
Type of oral coticosteroid in mild to moderate croup |
Is nebulised salbutamol indicated in bronchiolitis? |
Chest physiotherapy is not useful in bronchiolitis. |
In a febrile child, how useful C-reactive protein is in differentiating between acute bacterial and viral otitis media? |
Is nasogastric fluid therapy a safe alternative to the i.v. route in infants with bronchiolitis? |
Can surfactant cure babies with severe bronchiolitis? |
Humidified air is not indicated for mild to moderate croup |
Steroid administration in children with croup: an update. |
Does palivizumab prevent serious respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) infants? |
How useful is breast feeding in protecting infants against respiratory and gastrointestinal infections? |
Do Leukotriene receptor antagonists reduce the clinical severity in acute bronchiolitis? |
Do recombinant DNAse improve clinical outcome in an infant with RSV positive bronchiolitis? |
Do oral steroids help in viral induced wheeze in preschool children admitted to hospital? |
How effective is the diphtheria vaccine? |
Can throat examination distinguish between bacterial and viral infective agents? |
Nebulised hypertonic saline significantly decreases length of hospital stay and reduces symptoms in children with bronchiolitis |
Honey for the Symptomatic Relief of Cough in Children with Upper Respiratory Tract Infections |
Can pneumonia caused by penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae be treated with penicillin?
Is oral prednisolone as effective as oral dexamethasone in treating mild to moderate croup? An update |
Are oral antibiotics as efficacious as intravenous antibiotics for the treatment of community acquired pneumonia? |
Is measurement of the lymphocyte count useful in the investigation of suspected pertussis in infants? |