Management of acute ethylene glycol poisoning |
Glucagon infusion in anaphylactic shock in patients on beta-blockers |
Gum elastic bougies in difficult intubation |
Risk charts or decision analysis for patient satisfaction with regard to needlestick injuries |
Interference of medical monitoring equipment by mobile phones |
The straight, slow method may be best for removing ticks |
Nurse practitioners and minor injuries in Emergency Departments |
Is Forced Restraint of Minors Acceptable for Non-Life-Threatening Procedures? |
Has ATLS affected outcome? |
Use of imaging techniques in asymptomatic cocaine body packers |
Antibiotic prophylaxis for superficial wounds in diabetic patients |
Primary care versus hospital out patient anti-coagulant therapy monitoring |
Does yogurt decrease acute diarrhoeal symptoms in children with acute gastroenteritis |
In warfarinised patients with significant head injury, does immediate warfarin reversal do more harm than good |
The treatment for a popliteal (Baker's) cyst |
Can paramedics' accurately perform drug calculations? |
Do written asthma action plans reduce hospital admissions? |