Antibiotics are indicated following dog bites |
Tap water is an adequate cleansant for minor wounds |
Steristrips better than sutures for pre-tibial lacerations |
Plain or buffered lignocaine for local anaesthetic |
Management of uncomplicated soft tissue gunshot wounds |
Use of sterile gloves in the treatment of simple wounds |
Management of punch wounds to the MCPJ caused by teeth |
Staples or sutures for repair of scalp laceration in adults |
Staples may be more effective and quicker than sutures in children with scalp lacerations |
Topical antihistamines for insect bites |
Antitetanus immunisation in the elderly |
Topical anaesthetic versus lidocaine infiltration to allow closure of skin wounds in children |
Nurse practitioners and minor injuries in Emergency Departments |
Management of traumatic pinna haematoma |
Treatment of Jellyfish Stings in UK coastal waters: Vinegar or Sodium Bicarbonate |
Is conservative management of stab wounds better than wound closure? |
Wound closure in animal bites |
Antibiotic prophylaxis for pre-tibial haematomas in the elderly |
Conservative management or suturing for small, uncomplicated hand wounds. |
Partial matricectomy and phenolisation is the treatment of choice for ingrowing toe nails? |
Intralesional Corticosteriod Administration is Ineffective in the Treatment of Kerions. |
TAC or LAT for anaesthetising children's lacerations. |
Does topical chloramphenicol reduce scarring when applied to sutured facial wounds ? |
Wound Swabs in Open Fractures |
Absorbable sutures in pediatric lacerations. |