Broselow tape or APLS formula to estimate weight in children |
Albumin infusions in hypoalbuminaemic children with oncological disease did not affect colloid osmotic pressure or outcome |
Ethyl chloride for emergency paediatric intravenous cannulation |
Does dexamethasone improve blood pressure in hypotensive ill neonates? |
Oral sucrose reduces the pain of neonatal procedures |
Bicarbonate therapy in children with DKA |
Suction at perineum of neonates with meconium stained liquor |
In a preterm infant, does blood transfusion increase the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis? |
In patients with spontaneous pneumothorax, does treatment with oxygen increase resolution rate?
Atropine: Re-evaluating its use during pediatric RSI |
Is elective high-frequency oscillatory ventilation better than conventional mechanical ventilation in very low-birth-weight-infants? |
What is the use of the glass test? |
Two thumb versus two finger CPR in infants |
Does early administration of dexamethasone improve neurological outcome in children with meningococcal meningitis? |
Naso-gastric rehydration in children |
Do polyethylene wraps achieve temperature control in preterm infants in delivery room? |
Is newborn resuscitation in 21% air associated with adverse neurodevelopment? |
Does prone position improve oxygenation in infants needing respiratory support? |
Delivery room surfactant vs intensive care surfactant |
Does CPAP in delivery room decrease chronic lung disease? |
How accurate is capillary refill time at measuring shock in infants and children? |
Is an intravenous fluid bolus of albumin or normal saline beneficial in the treatment of metabolic acidosis in a normovolaemic newborn? |
Is skin turgor reliable as a means of assessing hydration status in children? |
Anion gap is a screening tool for elevated lactate with risk of sepsis |
The Use of Automatic External Defibrillators in Children |
Should premedication be used for semi-urgent or elective intubation in neonates? |
Should critically ill patients be routinely transfused to a normal haemoglobin level? |
High dose caffeine for extubation of preterm infants |
Do cuffed endotracheal tubes increase the risk of airway mucosal injury and post-extubation stridor in children? |
Emergency caesarean section in cardiac arrest before the 3rd trimester. |
What is the effect of cardiopulmonary resuscitation at birth on extremely premature infants?
Is intravenous immunoglobulin superior to exchange transfusion in the management of hyperbilirubinaemia in term neonates? |
Therapeutic hypothermia for paediatric traumatic brain injury within 8 hr |
Is capillary refill time a useful marker of haemodynamic status in neonates?
What is the effect of family presence on the efficacy of pediatric trauma resuscitation? |
Should carbon dioxide detectors be used to check correct placement of endotracheal tubes in preterm and term neonates? |