Conservative treatment is better than surgical management for first patellar dislocation |
Early MRI in acute knee haemarthrosis not supported by published evidence |
Aspiration of acute traumatic knee haemarthrosis |
Is a splint helpful in the management of bursitis at all? |
Axillary or elbow crutches in leg injury |
Prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism in patients with lower limb plaster cast immobilisation |
Medial or Lateral Approach for Knee Joint Aspiration |
Role of early aspiration of Haemarthrosis of knee joint on vasularity of internal structures |
Laser therapy with exercise in the treatment of patellar tendonitis |
Ottawa Knee Rule in children |
Duration of Antibiotic Therapy for Suspected Neonatal Sepsis |
Is the WCC of the joint aspirate sufficiently sensitive/specific to rule in/out septic arthritis? |
Cylinder plaster versus cricket pad splint in uncomplicated patellar fractures |
Predicting the need for knee radiography in the emergency department: Ottawa or Pittsburgh rule? |