The prehospital use of pneumatic anti-shock garments |
Ultrasonography or diagnostic Peritoneal lavage in abdominal trauma |
Cervical collars and intracranial pressure |
Chest drains in traumatic occult pneumothorax |
Factor VIIa for intractable blood loss in trauma |
Computer tomography and the exclusion of upper cervical spine injury in trauma patients with altered mental state |
Is the central venous pressure reading equally reliable if the central line is inserted via the femoral vein |
Neurological Outcome with Mechanical CPR |
Does it matter whether a chest drain is aimed upwards or downwards for the optimum drainage of fluid or air from the pleural cavity ? |
Bone Injection Gun Placement of Intraosseous Needles |
Does needle always mean tube after suspected tension pneumothorax? |
Use of end-tidal carbon dioxide indicators in prehospital intubations will reduce the number of incorrectly placed endotracheal tubes |
Serum lactate as a marker for mortality in patients presenting to the emergency department with trauma |
The use of tocolytic therapy in a pregnant trauma patient |
Using ultrasound to detect peritoneal fluid in a pregnant patient with abdominal trauma |
Blood component therapy in trauma patients requiring massive transfusion |
Hypertonic sodium solutions vs mannitol in reducing ICP in traumatic brain injury |
Does the ‘Seatbelt Sign’ predict intra-abdominal injury after motor vehicle trauma in children? |