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  Green: complete   To Stab or Slash: the percutaneous dilatation or standard surgical approach to cricothyroidotomy in prehospital care
  BET Title Available 220 Months   Patients may be sent home after a first epileptic fit
  Green: complete   No clinical evidence for gastric lavage in lithium overdose
  Green: complete   Topical antibiotics reduced time to remission in acute bacterial conjunctivitis
  BET Title Available 268 Months   Is the oesophageal detector device a reliable method for detecting ET tube location in the absence of ETCO2 monitoring.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Surgery vs conservative management for acute ankle ligament ruptures
  BET Title Available 268 Months   Ciprofloxacin vs Trimethoprim in the treatment of Urinary Tract Infection
  BET Title Available 225 Months   Safety of GD-DTPA MRI vs Contrast enhanced CT in the diagnosis of acute necrotising pancreatitis.
  BET Title Available 184 Months   TEST BET
  Orange: submitted and checked   Collar and cuff vs other splintage methods after MUA of Supracondylar Humeral Fractures in children
  Green: complete   Intravenous diltiazem for the control of ventricular rate in patients with recent onset atrial fibrillation and left ventricular failure
  Green: complete   Outpatient treatment of pulmonary embolism
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Stable Traumatic Pneumopericardium – Operate or Hesitate?
  Green: complete   Amiodarone or flecainide for cardioversion in acute onset atrial fibrillation
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Evidence limited and against gastric lavage in arsenic overdose
  BET Title Available 241 Months   Creatinine kinase as a diagnostic marker in ectopic/tubal pregnancy
  Green: complete   Is transmyocardial myocardial revascularisation of benefit in addition to coronary artery bypass grafting for patients with diffuse coronary disease?
  Green: complete   U cast or functional bracing following fractures of the shaft of humerus
  BET Title Available 268 Months   in prehospital mengicoccal septaceamia is benzylpenicillin better than ceffataxin
  Orange: submitted and checked   Bedrest after lumbar puncture
  Green: complete   Plaster may be equivalent to functional splints in gamekeepers thumb
  Green: complete   Antacids and diagnosis in patients with atypical chest pain
  Green: complete   Contraindications to thrombolysis in patients taking coumarins
  Blue: submitted but not checked   CT head before lumbar puncture in suspected meningitis
  Green: complete   Biphasic or monophasic defibrillation for adult ventricular fibrillation
  Green: complete   Management of Burns Blisters
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Thrombolysis may be of benefit in patients with prolonged cardiac arrest
  Green: complete   Metoclopramide versus placebo with opioid
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Delayed vs 24h TWOC in patients with BPH and first episode of acute retention
  BET Title Available 225 Months   Should we CT patients with asymptomatic haematuria
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Thrombolysis in right ventricular myocardial infarction.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Thrombolysis in posterior myocardial infarction.
  Orange: submitted and checked   Normal PaO2 on air and normal clinical examination to rule out traumatic pneumothorax
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is homeopathy better than placebo in the treatment of bronchial asthma ?
  BET Title Available 200 Months   What is the most reliable method to diagnose pyelonephritis in children?
  BET Title Available 225 Months   Management of fractured penis
  Green: complete   Ultrasound placement of needle in three-in-one nerve block
  Green: complete   Buccal nitrates in left ventricular failure
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Can a venous blood sample be accurately used instead of an arterial sample to demonstrate the degree of acidosis in DKA in Children
  BET Title Available 266 Months   Is Forced Restraint of Minors Acceptable for Non-Life-Threatening Procedures?
  Green: complete   Antithrombotic treatment of below knee deep venous thrombosis
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Ultrasound scanning in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in adults
  BET Title Available 233 Months   High-flow haemofiltration in sepsis
  BET Title Available 233 Months   The fixation of epidurals
  Green: complete   Prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism in patients with lower limb plaster cast immobilisation
  Green: complete   Conservative mangement of asymptomatic cocaine body packers
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Steroid Injection Therapy for de Quervain’s Tenosynovitis in Adults.
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is the logroll manoeuvre safe?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Capillary blood gases as an alternative to arterial puncture in acute asthma
  BET Title Available 266 Months   Hepatitis B vaccination in needlestick injury