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  Green: complete   Topical mupirocin seems the treatment of choice in systemically well children with impetigo
  Green: complete   Early MRI in acute knee haemarthrosis not supported by published evidence
  Green: complete   U-slab, hanging cast or collar and cuff in uncomplicated shaft of humerus fractures in the elderly
  Green: complete   Needle aspiration better than chest drain for spontaneous pneumothorax
  Green: complete   Activated charcoal is indicated in paracetamol overdose
  Green: complete   Is haloperidol or a benzodiazepine the safest treatment for acute psychosis in the critically ill patient?
  Green: complete   Little evidence for activated charcoal in tricyclic antidepressant overdose
  Green: complete   Activated charcoal reduces the gastric absorption of iron compounds
  Green: complete   Can any intervention effectively reduce the pain associated with chest drain removal?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Broselow tape or APLS formula to estimate weight in children
  Green: complete   Gastric lavage in aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug overdose
  Green: complete   Gastric Lavage in Tricyclic Antidepressant Overdose
  Green: complete   No good evidence supports gastric lavage in iron overdose
  Green: complete   Is there a role for the use of radical lymph node dissection in the surgical management of resectable non-small cell lung cancer?
  Green: complete   The gag reflex is a poor discriminator for the need for intubation
  Green: complete   Vomiting in paracetamol overdose
  BET Title Available 191 Months   Prophylactic gastroprotection in all adult orthopaedic trauma patients receiving low molecular weight heparin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesia?
  Green: complete   Belching as a recognised symptom of myocardial ischaemia
  Green: complete   Intravenous Magnesium in shock-resistant tachyarrhythmias
  Green: complete   Is an early invasive approach superior to a conservative strategy in patients with acute coronary syndrome?
  Green: complete   The first ECG has a low sensitivity for myocardial infarction in patients with chest pain
  Green: complete   Troponin T does not rule out myocardial damage until 12 hours after the onset of chest pain
  Green: complete   Oral or intravenous beta-blockers in acute myocardial infarction
  Green: complete   Nitrates as first line treatment for acute left ventricular failure
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Diagnostic needle aspiration in olecranon bursitis may be indicated to define the underlying cause.
  Green: complete   Normal partial pressure oxygen in room air as a rule-out for pulmonary embolism
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET The role of therapeutic needle aspiration in radial head fractures
  Green: complete   Rectal or Intravenous non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in acute renal colic
  Green: complete   Aspiration of acute traumatic knee haemarthrosis
  Green: complete   Steroids only indicated for Bell's palsy with complete paralysis
  Green: complete   IV Glucose is better than glucagon for hypoglycaemia
  Green: complete   Steristrips better than sutures for pre-tibial lacerations
  Green: complete   Does Nimodipine reduce mortality and secondary ischaemic events after subarachnoid haemorrhage?
  Green: complete   Do pizotifen or propranolol reduce the frequency of migraine headache
  Green: complete   Perimortem caesarean section
  Green: complete   The prehospital use of pneumatic anti-shock garments
  Green: complete   Steroids in the management of near-drowning
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Digital or metacarpal block for finger injuries
  Green: complete   Analgesia and assessment of abdominal pain
  Green: complete   Treatment of uncomplicated subungual haematoma
  Orange: submitted and checked   Post concussional syndrome and minor head injury
  Green: complete   Antibiotics in base of skull fractures
  Green: complete   Immobilisation of suspected scaphoid fractures
  Green: complete   Can Cardiac re-transplantation be performed with an acceptable survival after primary graft failure?
  Green: complete There are 4 critical appraisals linked to this BET Can cardiac troponins be used to diagnose a perioperative myocardial infarction post cardiac surgery?
  Green: complete   Phenytoin or paraldehyde as the second drug for convulsions in children
  Green: complete   Oral or intravenous thiamine in the emergency department
  Green: complete   Plain or buffered lignocaine for local anaesthetic
  Green: complete   Reimplantation of the nail root in fingertip crush injuries in children
  Green: complete   Is a chest drain necessary in stable patients with traumatic pneumothorax?
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