BETs and CAs in this Category

You Are In: All categories » Speciality » Paeds » GI
  Green: complete   Abdominal ultrasound in the diagnosis of childhood appendicitis
  Green: complete   Hand held metal detectors are sensitive enough to rule out oesophageal coins
  BET Title Available 241 Months   Play therapy or drugs in children in hospital
  BET Title Available 198 Months   Play therapy or drugs for children in Emergency Departments
  Green: complete   Chiropractice may be an effective treatment in infantile colic
  BET Title Available 214 Months   Miconazole vs nystatin for the treatment of oral candidiasis in infants
  Green: complete   Should tympanic temperature measurement be trusted?
  Green: complete   Oral sucrose reduces the pain of neonatal procedures
  Green: complete   Role of plain abdominal radiograph in the diagnosis of intussusception
  Green: complete   Is perianal dermatitis a sign of sexual abuse?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Tepid sponging in the febrile child
  BET Title Available 247 Months   Use of anticolic agents in infants less than 4 months
  BET Title Available 253 Months   Does lactobacillus reduce the duration of diarrhoea in children with acute gastroenteritis
  BET Title Available 253 Months   Do lactose free feeds reduce duration of diarrhoea in children with acute gastroenteritis
  Blue: submitted but not checked   In a child with acute gastroenteritis, do Probiotics reduce the duration and severity of diarrhoea?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Naso-gastric rehydration in children
  BET Title Available 236 Months   How useful is breast feeding in protecting infants against respiratory and gastrointestinal infections?
  Green: complete   Short stature and the probability of coeliac disease, in the absence of gastro-intestinal symptoms
  Green: complete   Is skin turgor reliable as a means of assessing hydration status in children?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is a short course of antibiotics better than a long course in the treatment of UTI in children
  Blue: submitted but not checked There are 3 critical appraisals linked to this BET Is microscopy better than urine dipstick testing at identifying a UTI in children
  Green: complete   How useful is C-reactive protein in detecting occult bacterial infection in young children with fever without apparent focus?
  Blue: submitted but not checked There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Incidence of significant GU abnormality in children <2years with proven UTI
  Blue: submitted but not checked   UTIs as a cause of febrile convulsions
  Green: complete   Smectite in Acute Diarrhoea
  Green: complete   Should children with Henoch-Schonlein purpura and abdominal pain be treated with steroids?
  Green: complete   Digital rectal exams in children who present with constipation
  Green: complete   Ondansetron in childhood gastroenteritis
  Green: complete   How useful are bowel sounds?
  Green: complete   How effective is domperidone at reducing symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux in infants?
  Green: complete   Management of Asymptomatic Children with a History of Coin Ingestion (watchful waiting)

Generic appraisals

Puskas JD, Williams, Duke PG et al.
critical appraisals
Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting provides complete revascularization with reduced myocardial injury,transfusion requirements, and length of stay: a single blind RCT
Randomised control trial
Kirkpatrick AW
critical appraisals
Hand-held Thoracic Sonography for Detecting Post-Traumatic Pneumothoraces: the Extended Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (EFAST)
levitan RM
critical appraisals
Limitations of difficult airway prediction in patients intubated in the emergency department.
Baker R.C, Tiller T., Bausher J. et al
critical appraisals
Severity of Disease correlated with fever reduction in febrile infants