Abdominal ultrasound in the diagnosis of childhood appendicitis |
Hand held metal detectors are sensitive enough to rule out oesophageal coins |
Play therapy or drugs in children in hospital |
Play therapy or drugs for children in Emergency Departments |
Chiropractice may be an effective treatment in infantile colic |
Miconazole vs nystatin for the treatment of oral candidiasis in infants |
Should tympanic temperature measurement be trusted? |
Oral sucrose reduces the pain of neonatal procedures |
Role of plain abdominal radiograph in the diagnosis of intussusception |
Is perianal dermatitis a sign of sexual abuse? |
Tepid sponging in the febrile child |
Use of anticolic agents in infants less than 4 months |
Does lactobacillus reduce the duration of diarrhoea in children with acute gastroenteritis |
Do lactose free feeds reduce duration of diarrhoea in children with acute gastroenteritis |
In a child with acute gastroenteritis, do Probiotics reduce the duration and severity of diarrhoea? |
Naso-gastric rehydration in children |
How useful is breast feeding in protecting infants against respiratory and gastrointestinal infections? |
Short stature and the probability of coeliac disease, in the absence of gastro-intestinal symptoms |
Is skin turgor reliable as a means of assessing hydration status in children? |
Is a short course of antibiotics better than a long course in the treatment of UTI in children |
Is microscopy better than urine dipstick testing at identifying a UTI in children |
How useful is C-reactive protein in detecting occult bacterial infection in young children with fever without apparent focus? |
Incidence of significant GU abnormality in children <2years with proven UTI |
UTIs as a cause of febrile convulsions |
Smectite in Acute Diarrhoea |
Should children with Henoch-Schonlein purpura and abdominal pain be treated with steroids? |
Digital rectal exams in children who present with constipation |
Ondansetron in childhood gastroenteritis |
How useful are bowel sounds? |
How effective is domperidone at reducing symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux in infants?
Management of Asymptomatic Children with a History of Coin Ingestion (watchful waiting) |