Pelvic radiography is not always indicated in severe blunt trauma if the patient has no pelvic symptoms and is GCS 15 |
Axillary or elbow crutches in leg injury |
General anaesthesia or conscious sedation for reducing a dislocated hip prosthesis? |
ESR in childhood septic arthritis |
Regional Nerve Block in Fractured Neck of Femur |
Limb exsanguination in Biers Block |
IV Opiates versus femoral block in fractured neck of femur |
C reactive protein and septic arthritis in children |
Is ultrasound or plain film radiography a more sensitive diagnostic modality for diagnosing slipped capital femoral epiphysis? |
No evidence found that a femoral nerve block in cases of femoral shaft fractures can delay the diagnosis of compartment syndrome of the thigh. |
Distinguishing between septic arthritis of the hip and transient synovitis in children |
The value of pre-hospitalisation self-administered preventative measures against MRSA SSIs in patients undergoing elective total hip arthroplasty. |