BETs and CAs in this Category

You Are In: All categories » Anatomy » Abdomen » Urinary tract » Bladder
  Green: complete   Clean catch urine or bag specimen in UTI in non toilet trained children?
  Green: complete   Rectal or Intravenous non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in acute renal colic
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is Ultrasound a good diagnostic test for obstructive biliary disease?
  Green: complete   Intranasal naloxone in suspected opioid overdose
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is Cefalexin better than trimethoprim for treating UTI in children?
  Green: complete   Negative urinalysis to exclude urinary tract infection in children
  Green: complete   Oral (fast dissolving) piroxicam versus IM diclofenac for renal colic
  BET Title Available 269 Months   White cell count and diagnosing Urinary tract infection
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Delayed vs 24h TWOC in patients with BPH and first episode of acute retention
  Green: complete   Accuracy of negative dipstick urinalysis in ruling out urinary tract infection in adults
  Blue: submitted but not checked   UTI in men - is investigation required?
  Green: complete   Are routine urine cultures helpful in the management of asymptomatic infants or preschool children with a previous urinary tract infection?
  BET Title Available 150 Months   Can urinary myoglobin assay be used to assess the risk of developing acute renal failure in patients with rhabdomylosis
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Trimethoprim vs Nitrofurantoin in the treatment of UTI in children
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is a short course of antibiotics better than a long course in the treatment of UTI in children
  Blue: submitted but not checked There are 3 critical appraisals linked to this BET Is microscopy better than urine dipstick testing at identifying a UTI in children
  Blue: submitted but not checked There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Incidence of significant GU abnormality in children <2years with proven UTI
  Blue: submitted but not checked There are 4 critical appraisals linked to this BET ultrasound vs CT scan for detecting calculi
  Blue: submitted but not checked   KUB sensitivity at detecting urinary calculi
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is positive dipstick alone enough to identify the cause as infective in patients with dysuria and haematuria?
  Green: complete   How common is co-existing meningitis in infants with urinary tract infection?