Prophylactic gastroprotection in all adult orthopaedic trauma patients receiving low molecular weight heparin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesia? |
Steroids in acute spinal cord injury |
Cervical spine radiography in alert asymptomatic blunt trauma patients |
Acupuncture in chronic back pain |
Cervical spine protection in gunshot wounds to the head |
Cervical collars and intracranial pressure |
Swimmers view or supine oblique views to visualise the cervicothoracic junction |
Need for cervical spine imaging for alert children after trauma |
Physiotherapy in acute neck sprains |
Cervical spine imaging in children under 9 after trauma |
Severe sudden onset headache associated with coitus |
Role of flexion/extension radiography in paediatric neck injuries |
Role of flexion/extension radiography in neck injuries in adults |
Reinsertion of the stylet prior to needle removal in diagnostic lumbar puncture |
High dose steroids for whiplash |
Plain radiography is not indicated as 1st choice imaging modality in children with non-traumatic back pain |
NAC to the rescue again...? Prevention of contrast-induced nephropathy in patients with established renal impairment. |
Acupuncture for neck pain |
Can we assess the prognosis for whiplash soon after the injury? |
Manipulation and/or exercise for neck pain? |
Prognosis in acute non-traumatic simple lower back pain |
Manipulation and mobilisation in acute low back pain |
Bed rest for acute simple lower back pain |
Massage for chronic low back pain |
Laser for the treatment of chronic low back pain |
Early radiography in acute lower back pain |
Tennis elbow and epicondyle clasp |
TENS for lower back pain |
Muscle relaxants for acute low back pain |
Strong opiates in the treatment of acute low back pain |
NSAIDS in acute low back pain |
Acupuncture in acute back pain |
Exercise for acute back pain |
Exercise for Chronic Back Pain |
Spinal fusion in chronic back pain |
NSAIDs in chronic back pain |
Intradiscal electrothermy for the treatment of discogenic chronic low back pain |
Intraspinal opioids for the management of chronic low back pain |
Epidural injections for chronic simple low back pain |
Laser for the treatment of acute low back pain |
Muscle relaxants for chronic low back pain |
Zygapophysial joint injections in chronic low back pain |
Radiofrequency denervation for lumbar zygapophysial joint pain. |
Massage therapy for acute low back pain |
Are back schools effective in the management of chronic simple low back pain? |
Provocation discography for the diagnosis of discogenic chronic low back pain |
Spinal manipulation in chronic back pain |
Behavioural therapy for chronic low back pain |
Calcium and vitamin D3 in osteoporotic fractures |
Do bisphosphonates relieve pain caused by acute osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures?
Caffeine in the prophylaxis of post lumbar puncture headache.
Is Cervical spine protection always necessary following penetrating neck injury |
Caffeine in the treatment of post lumbar puncture headache
The effectiveness of therapeutic ultrasound in the treatment of acute sciatica. |
How common is co-existing meningitis in infants with urinary tract infection? |