The prehospital use of pneumatic anti-shock garments |
Gum elastic bougies in difficult intubation |
Prehospital endotracheal intubation in adult major trauma patients with head injury |
Can traffic calming measures achieve the Children's Fund objective of reducing inequalities in child health? |
Do crash helmets reduce the severity of head injury in adult pedal cyclists |
Intravenous or intramuscular/subcutaneous naloxone in opiod overdose |
in prehospital mengicoccal septaceamia is benzylpenicillin better than ceffataxin |
Biphasic or monophasic defibrillation for adult ventricular fibrillation |
Weather dependent nasal erythema in rangifer tarandus |
Benefits of oxygen for the hyperventilating patient in the pre-hospital environment |
Use of magills forceps in removing obstructions in the choking patient |
Therapeutic hypothermia after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest |
Pre-Hospital ECG. Effect on door to needle time and overall pain to needle time |
Training and prescription of Naloxone for personal use in overdose for opiate addicts. |
Use of end-tidal carbon dioxide indicators in prehospital intubations will reduce the number of incorrectly placed endotracheal tubes |
Can paramedics' accurately perform drug calculations? |
Cardiac Monitoring in Taser Victims |
Potato peel dressings for burn wounds |
Laryngeal mask airway versus endotracheal intubation or bag-mask ventilation for cardiac arrest in adults |
Which intraosseous device is best in the prehospital setting? |