Nasal diamorphine in children |
The gag reflex is a poor discriminator for the need for intubation |
General anaesthesia or conscious sedation for reducing a dislocated hip prosthesis? |
Use of propofol for sedation in the emergency department |
Midazolam does not reduce emergence phenomena in children undergoing ketamine sedation. |
Morphine/Entonox combination versus Morphine/Midazolam for shoulder reduction |
Sedation or general anaesthesia in paediatric dislocated elbows |
Difficult intubation, the bougie and the stylet |
Sedation of seizures in the pre-hospital setting, impact on CNS assessment |
Does the time of fasting affect complication rates during ketamine sedation |
Use of end-tidal carbon dioxide indicators in prehospital intubations will reduce the number of incorrectly placed endotracheal tubes |
GlideScope in the Emergency Department |
Intra-articular lidocaine for closed reduction of ankle fracture-dislocations |
Is ketamine a viable induction agent for the trauma patient with potential brain injury. |
Is rocuronium as effective as succinylcholine at facilitating laryngoscopy during rapid sequence intubation?
Should capnography be routinely used during procedural sedation in the Emergency Department? |
Chloral hydrate or midazolam: which is better for sedating children for painless diagnostic imaging?