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  BET Title Available 182 Months   nursing care of entubated/ventilated patients
  BET Title Available 182 Months   Control of Blood pressure in spontaneous Intracerebral Haemorrhage
  BET Title Available 182 Months   Ceasing warfarin after minor head injury
  BET Title Available 180 Months   Does a positive Dix Hallpike test provide a diagnosis of posterior semicircular canal BPPV in patients presenting to the Accident and Emergency department with positional vertigo?
  BET Title Available 180 Months   Is colonoscopy necessary before starting steroids in Henoch Schonlein Purpura (HSP)?
  BET Title Available 180 Months   Active Cooling in the treatment of traumatic brain injury
  BET Title Available 155 Months   Utility of Routine Digital Rectal Examination in Pediatric Trauma
  BET Title Available 179 Months   Viral Gastroenteritis in children and nasogastric rehydration.
  BET Title Available 180 Months   In delayed haemothorax isintercostal drain the optimum treatment?
  BET Title Available 179 Months   Valsalva Manoeuvre to expand Pneumothorax
  BET Title Available 179 Months   If a patient arrests after cardiac surgery is it acceptable to delay cardiopulmonary resuscitation until you have attempted either defibrillation or pacing?
  BET Title Available 179 Months   Is manipulation of mediastinal chest drains useful or harmful after cardiac surgery?
  BET Title Available 179 Months   Does biventricular pacing provide a superior cardiac output compared to univentricular pacing wires after cardiac surgery?
  BET Title Available 179 Months   Does preoperative computed tomography reduce the risks associated with re-do cardiac surgery?
  BET Title Available 178 Months   Is IV Valproate superior to phenytoin in Status Epilepticus
  BET Title Available 178 Months   Is re-cooling an option in babies with hypoxic ischaemic injury
  BET Title Available 177 Months   What is the best option for lowering blood glucose for a patient with hepatic dysfunction?
  BET Title Available 177 Months   Steroids in Shingles
  BET Title Available 177 Months   Clearing the c-spine in the obtunded patient
  BET Title Available 178 Months   Use of etomidate for RSI in trauma
  BET Title Available 177 Months   Teenage mothers, smoking and outcomes in the newborn
  BET Title Available 177 Months   Use of oral sucrose as analgesia in infancy.
  BET Title Available 176 Months   Differentiating Systemic Lupus Erythematosus flare from intercurrent illnesses using Double Stranded DNA (dsDNA)level estimation
  BET Title Available 176 Months   Emergency tourniquet use in major limb trauma
  BET Title Available 177 Months   Role of mucolytic agents in clearing thick endotracheal secretions
  BET Title Available 176 Months   Are antibiotics indicated in the Emergency Deparment for facial fractures
  BET Title Available 177 Months   Prophylactic intravenous magnesium post successful resuscitation from VF or pulseless VT arrest
  BET Title Available 175 Months   quinolones and Achilles tendon rupture
  BET Title Available 175 Months   normal ESR and temporal arteritis
  BET Title Available 176 Months   Do prophylactic antibiotics reduce mortality in immunocompromised patients with spontaneous pneumothorax?
  BET Title Available 175 Months   Does early endoscopy alter the outcomes in children presenting with accidental caustic ingestion?
  BET Title Available 175 Months   Does Nephrocalcinosis in expremature babies cause long-term renal problems?
  BET Title Available 175 Months   Cannula patency: should we use flushes or continuous fluids, or heparin?
  BET Title Available 175 Months   Role of CT in for screening for facial injuiries in patients having CT for head injury
  BET Title Available 174 Months   Hybrid coronary revascularisation: peri-operative outcomes compared to conventional CABG
  BET Title Available 174 Months   Prevalence of angiographically normal coronary arteries in patients undergoing coronary angiography for acute myocardial infarct
  BET Title Available 174 Months   Do prophylactic antibiotics reduce the rate of infection post chest tube insertion?
  BET Title Available 174 Months   'Magic bullet' for traumatic secondary brain injury -Is there any role for Progesterone
  BET Title Available 173 Months   Using dummies in newborn
  BET Title Available 173 Months   Should all healthy newborns with echogenic focus in bowel on antenatal scan be investigated further?
  BET Title Available 173 Months   Bradykinin Receptor Antagonists in Sepsis
  BET Title Available 173 Months   EZ-IO placement location
  BET Title Available 172 Months   Sedation in mephedrone overdose
  BET Title Available 172 Months   Additional plain X-ray Views to Diagnose suspected fracture neck of Femur in Adults with normal AP and Lateral X-rays.
  BET Title Available 172 Months   Antibiotic prophylaxis for CSF rhinorrhoea post head injury.
  BET Title Available 171 Months   Agitation and seizures in cocaine overdose
  BET Title Available 171 Months   Faecal calprotectin for diagnosing Necrotizing Enterocolitis
  BET Title Available 171 Months   Agitation in methamphetamine overdose
  BET Title Available 173 Months   The use of serial CK-MB measurements in ruling out myocardial infarction.
  BET Title Available 171 Months   Inhaled Adrenaline for treatment of Anaphylaxsis in Children.
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