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  BET Title Available 150 Months   Hypertonic saline use in exercise associated hyponatraemia
  BET Title Available 214 Months   Hypertonic saline in marathon runners
  BET Title Available 213 Months   Collar and cuff is better than plaster in the treatmant of traumatic elbow effusions with no fracture on the initial X-ray
  BET Title Available 206 Months   Thrombolysis in a pregnant patient with massive Pulmonary embolism
  BET Title Available 213 Months   In pyrexial adults is Ibuprofen effective in reducing body temperature?
  BET Title Available 213 Months   Post MI Cardiac Arrest Patients, is there any benefit of adding thrombolysis to the routine CPR protocol?
  BET Title Available 212 Months   Low molecular weight herarin versus pneumatic foot pumps in prevention of DVT/PE after total knee replacement
  BET Title Available 212 Months   Use of BNP in diagnosis of LVF
  BET Title Available 212 Months   What is the role of surgical repair of proximal ruptures of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle?
  BET Title Available 211 Months   Ultrasound Guided Foam Sclerotherapy or Surgery For Varicose Veins ?
  BET Title Available 209 Months   Chest X ray in acute pulmonary oedema
  BET Title Available 144 Months   The use of heparin in patients with ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms
  BET Title Available 209 Months   Capillary refill time in adults
  BET Title Available 208 Months   Intensive insulin treatment for critically ill patients in Intensive care unit
  BET Title Available 208 Months   Does fixing the contralateral testis in children with solitary testis prevent further torsion of solitary testis
  BET Title Available 208 Months   Surgery vs conservative management of Weber type B ankle fractures
  BET Title Available 208 Months   Delayed insulin therapy in paediatric diabetic ketoacidosis
  BET Title Available 207 Months   A palatal petechiae is a good diagnostic clinical sign of strep tonsillitis?
  BET Title Available 208 Months   Treatment of CNS Lyme disease: Oral vs IV antibiotics.
  BET Title Available 207 Months   In an adult with Bell's palsy which drug therapies result in patient satisfaction
  BET Title Available 206 Months   Recovery in patients with Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)
  BET Title Available 206 Months   Out-patient Management of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax with Chest Drain and Heimlich Flutter Valve
  BET Title Available 202 Months   hemostatic agents in prehospital patients
  BET Title Available 200 Months   Arm traction for lateral C-spine radiographs in cervical spine injury.
  BET Title Available 205 Months   cognitive behaviour is better than medication in treating bipolar disorder
  BET Title Available 206 Months   Does wafting oxygen work?
  BET Title Available 205 Months   Dietary Manipulations in infant colic
  BET Title Available 205 Months   Should Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors be used in children with Type 1 diabetes and Microalbuminuria
  BET Title Available 205 Months   Symphysis Pubis Disorder in pregnant women, do support belts improve pain and function?
  BET Title Available 205 Months   Heat treatment and low back pain
  BET Title Available 207 Months   PCA for children
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Prophylactic antibiotics after UTI in infants: is there any evidence for efficacy?
  BET Title Available 204 Months   Is Domperidone effective in Neonates with Gastroesophageal reflux?
  BET Title Available 204 Months   Should patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting with mild to moderate ischaemic mitral regurgitation also undergo mitral valve repair or replacement?
  BET Title Available 204 Months   Unexpected outcome in paracetamol overdosed patients treated with parvolex
  BET Title Available 204 Months   Leukotriene receptor antagonist in excercise induced bronchospasm in children
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Different probiotics preparations have different efficacy in treating children with acute diarrhoea
  BET Title Available 203 Months   Choice of Echocardiography in bacterial endocarditis
  BET Title Available 202 Months   Safe discharge of patients to police custody who have been treated with naloxone for opiate toxicity.
  BET Title Available 151 Months   Investigating flank pain: Keep the radiation to a minimum
  BET Title Available 201 Months   Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Effectiveness of Manual Therapy and Exercise in the Treatment of Spinal stenosis
  BET Title Available 200 Months   Conservative management of splenic trauma in adults
  BET Title Available 200 Months   Role of Brain imaging in children with Recurrent headache who are otherwise well
  BET Title Available 200 Months   What is the safe and effective route and duration of antibiotic treatment for children with acute pyelonephritis?
  BET Title Available 199 Months   Confirming Safe Placement of Nasogastric Tubes
  Green: complete   Is NIV an effective intervention for patients with acute exacerbations of asthma?
  BET Title Available 199 Months   Emergency Department Management of Non-traumatic Dental Problems.
  BET Title Available 199 Months   Recognition of Acute MI in patients presenting with chest pain and Left bundle branch block
  BET Title Available 198 Months   Effectiveness of pulse oximetry in addition to clinical examination in screening for congenital heart disease in newborns.
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