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  Green: complete   Steroids in acute spinal cord injury
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Diagnostic utility of arterial blood gases for investigation of pulmonary embolus
  Green: complete   Radiological diagnosis of mandibular fracture
  Green: complete   Ultrasound is better than x-ray at detecting hip effusions in the limping child
  Green: complete   Magnetic resonance imaging versus bone scintigraphy in the diagnosis of plain X ray occult scaphoid fractures
  Green: complete   Abdominal ultrasound in the diagnosis of childhood appendicitis
  Green: complete   Management of uncomplicated soft tissue gunshot wounds
  Green: complete   Intravenous adenosine can be used in asthmatics
  Green: complete   Fasting before prilocaine Biers' block
  Green: complete   Does a normal CT scan rule out a subarachnoid hemorrhage
  Blue: submitted but not checked There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Is penicillin V or cephalosporin more effective for sore throats?
  Green: complete   Management of acute ethylene glycol poisoning
  Green: complete   GII/IIIB inhibitors in addition to LMWH unproven in unstable angina
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Can we use bedside Ultrasound to differentiate between COPD and Pulmonary edema?
  BET Title Available 229 Months   Barbiturates in near drowning
  Green: complete   Prophylactic antibiotics in near-drowning
  Green: complete   Antibiotics in patients with isolated chest trauma requiring chest drains
  Green: complete   Does nebulised adrenaline reduce admission rate in bronchiolitis?
  Green: complete   Reduction of pulled elbows
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Does prophylactic tranexamic acid safely reduce bleeding without increasing thrombotic complications in patients undergoing cardiac surgery?
  Green: complete   Use of sterile gloves in the treatment of simple wounds
  Green: complete   Cervical spine radiography in alert asymptomatic blunt trauma patients
  Orange: submitted and checked   Acupuncture in chronic back pain
  Green: complete   Lorazepam or diazepam in paediatric status elipticus
  Green: complete   Electrical stimulation and Bells' Palsy
  Green: complete   Regional anaesthesia worked well for children with femoral shaft fractures
  Green: complete   White cell count and diagnosing appendicitis in children
  Green: complete   Ultrasound scanning in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in pregnancy
  Green: complete   White cell count and diagnosing appendicitis in adults
  Green: complete   Tibial fractures in very young children and child abuse
  Green: complete   Proximal Humeral Fractures and non-accidental injury in children
  Green: complete   Hand held metal detectors are sensitive enough to rule out oesophageal coins
  Green: complete   Do grommets prevent language delay?
  BET Title Available 221 Months   Mean arterial pressure in isolated head injury
  Green: complete   Antibiotics and compound finger fracture
  Green: complete   Low molecular weight heparin is the treatment of choice for deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  Green: complete   Outpatient treatment for patients with uncomplicated above knee deep vein thrombosis
  Green: complete   Bronchodilator delivery in acute severe asthma in adults
  Green: complete   Delivery of bronchodilators in acute asthma in children
  Green: complete   Plaster or collar and cuff after reducing dislocated elbow?
  Green: complete   Torn frenulum and non-accidental injury in children
  Green: complete   Lignocaine premedication before rapid sequence induction in head injuries
  Green: complete   Flumazenil and suspected benzodiazepine overdose
  Green: complete   Glucagon infusion in anaphylactic shock in patients on beta-blockers
  Yellow: electronic pre-print   Immobilisation in patients with painful achilles tendon
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET The McCoy laryngoscope in suspected cervical spine fracture
  Green: complete There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Serum amylase or lipase to diagnose pancreatitis in patients presenting with abdominal pain.
  Green: complete   Urinary Trypsinogen to rule out acute pancreatitis in patients with abdominal pain
  Green: complete   Prior injection of local anaesthetic and the pain and success of intravenous cannulation
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Intranasal diamorphine in adults with severe pain.
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