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  Blue: submitted but not checked   Tepid sponging in the febrile child
  Green: complete   Are follow up chest X-rays helpful in the management of children recovering from pneumonia?
  Green: complete   Silver Sulphadiazine cream in burns
  Green: complete   Are newer macrolides effective in eradicating carriage of Pertussis?
  Green: complete   Oxygen therapy in acute strokes
  BET Title Available 255 Months   Sedation of seizures in the pre-hospital setting, impact on CNS assessment
  BET Title Available 201 Months   Medial or Lateral Approach for Knee Joint Aspiration
  Green: complete   Does the use of topical transexamic acid in cardiac surgery reduce the incidence of post-operative mediastinal bleeding?
  Green: complete   Are methylxanthines effective in preventing or reducing apnoeic spells in infants with bronchiolitis?
  BET Title Available 155 Months   Treatment of stable ankle fractures (weber type A) in plaster of paris v aicast boot
  Green: complete   Use of heliox for acute asthma in the emergency department
  Blue: submitted but not checked There are 1 critical appraisals linked to this BET Topical Vancomycin during Cardiac Surgery
  Blue: submitted but not checked   The Infective Complications of a Femoral Central Venous Line
  Green: complete   Is the central venous pressure reading equally reliable if the central line is inserted via the femoral vein
  Green: complete   Is Sotalol more effective than standard beta-blockers for the prophylaxis of atrial fibrillation during cardiac surgery
  Green: complete   Topical or oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatories in soft tissue injury
  Green: complete   Prophylactic Amiodarone in the prevention of Atrial Fibrillation
  Green: complete   Should we glue lip lacerations in children
  BET Title Available 171 Months   Intubation of trauma patients without the use of drugs
  BET Title Available 211 Months   amidarone versus lidocaine as first line drug in stable VT
  Green: complete   Accuracy of negative dipstick urinalysis in ruling out urinary tract infection in adults
  BET Title Available 195 Months   is routine prophylaxis indicated in pts with severe head injury to prevent post injury epilepsy
  Green: complete   Use of octreotide acetate to prevent rebound hypoglycemia in sulphonyluria overdose
  Green: complete   What is the optimal dose of aspirin after discharge following coronary bypass surgery
  BET Title Available 240 Months   In patients with status epilepticus is IV phenytoin a safe second line agent
  BET Title Available 247 Months   Milk and bleach poisoning
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is a pleural drain of value after CABG with LIMA in preventing Pleural Effusions when the Pleura is opened?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is rate control superior to conversion strategy in AF post cardiac surgery?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Is amiodarone or digoxin better in AF post cardiac surgery in terms of time to return of sinus rhythm?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Nasal foreign bodies
  Green: complete   Are topical corticosteroids superior to systemic histamine antagonists in treatment of allergic seasonal rhinitis?
  Green: complete   Does intravenous mannitol improve outcome in cerebral malaria?
  Green: complete   Chlorpromazine in Migraine
  BET Title Available 261 Months   Intravenous H2 antagonists in acute upper GI bleed
  BET Title Available 261 Months   Oral H2 antagonist in acute upper GI bleed
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Pre and post endoscopic use of IV proton pump inhibtors in acute non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeds, bolus vs infusion
  Green: complete   Oral steroids in acute urticaria
  BET Title Available 260 Months   Pethidine versus morphine in patients presenting with Biliary colic?
  Blue: submitted but not checked   Syntocinon dosage in massive postpartum haemorrhage
  Green: complete   In a preterm infant, does blood transfusion increase the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis?
  Green: complete   Need for cervical spine imaging for alert children after trauma
  BET Title Available 205 Months   Neurological Outcome with Mechanical CPR
  Green: complete   In patients with spontaneous pneumothorax, does treatment with oxygen increase resolution rate?
  Green: complete   Behavioural Treatments for Sleep Disorders in Children with Downs Syndrome
  BET Title Available 92 Months   Physiotherapy in acute neck sprains
  Green: complete   Type of oral coticosteroid in mild to moderate croup
  Green: complete   Cervical spine imaging in children under 9 after trauma
  BET Title Available 145 Months   Severe sudden onset headache associated with coitus
  Green: complete   Atropine: Re-evaluating its use during pediatric RSI
  BET Title Available 162 Months   Management of traumatic pinna haematoma
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