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  BET Title Available 125 Months   Is antibiotic prophylaxis indicated during dental procedures for patients due for valve surgery?
  BET Title Available 125 Months   Does Dabigatran increases the risk of traumatic intra-cranial bleed
  BET Title Available 125 Months   Management of complex regional pain syndrome
  BET Title Available 124 Months   Does Tranexamic Acid reduce mortality in Sepsis?
  BET Title Available 124 Months   Nasogastric lavage in variceal bleeding
  BET Title Available 90 Months   Should paracetamol be given to treat pyrexia in hospital inpatients with sepsis.
  BET Title Available 125 Months   Does Clopidogrel increase the risk of traumatic intra-cranial bleed?
  BET Title Available 123 Months   Is Adenosine used in pregnant patient with unstable paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia safe and effective
  BET Title Available 127 Months   The use of Rivaroxaban versus Warfarin in the treatment of confirmed pulmonary embolism
  BET Title Available 128 Months   Do elderly Patienst with mild head injury require CT head to rule out intracranial bleeding
  BET Title Available 123 Months   Age range for effective intraoral sucrose-induced analgesia
  BET Title Available 122 Months   IV tranexamic acid in the treatment of epistaxis.
  BET Title Available 121 Months   'Bare Below the Elbow' Policy as a Method of Infection Control
  BET Title Available 121 Months   How many supraglottic airway insertions are needed to gain initial competence?
  BET Title Available 120 Months   Honey for superficial thermal burns
  BET Title Available 120 Months   Pre alert clinical handover in polytrauma
  BET Title Available 119 Months   Pain relief in acute appendicitis
  BET Title Available 119 Months   Should patients presenting to the emergency department following a tick bite be given antibiotic prophylaxis for Lyme disease?
  BET Title Available 117 Months   Plasma lithium levels correlate poorly with toxicity in overdose
  BET Title Available 117 Months   Ambulatory Management of Spontaneous Pneumothorax with Heimlich Valves
  BET Title Available 117 Months   Adenosine vs Verapamil in healthy pregnant women with SVT
  BET Title Available 116 Months   Troponin test in patients with COPD exacerbation
  BET Title Available 116 Months   3rd line management of hypertension in patients already taking oral antihypertensives
  BET Title Available 115 Months   Is the clinical dehydration scale reliable when assessing the severity of paediatric dehydration?
  BET Title Available 115 Months   Are prophylactic antibiotics required for uncomplicated nasal fractures?
  BET Title Available 114 Months   Comparsion of transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound in ruling out Ectopic pregnancy in ED.
  BET Title Available 113 Months   Tranexamic acid in post-tonsillectomy bleeding in children
  BET Title Available 113 Months   In the asthmatic patient requiring intubation what is the induction agent of choice?
  BET Title Available 113 Months   Isotone solution vs melting ice? How to transport an amputated part...
  BET Title Available 113 Months   The Treatment of Infantile Spasms
  BET Title Available 112 Months   Collar and Cuff Versus Above Elbow Backslab for Gartland-1 type supracondylar fractures
  BET Title Available 112 Months   Urine dipstick/haematuria in renal colic
  BET Title Available 96 Months   Adrenaline in traumatic cardiac arrest
  BET Title Available 112 Months   Predicting the need for ankle radiography in the emergency department: Ottawa or Bernese rule?
  BET Title Available 113 Months   Can paramedics accurately identify abnormal heart sounds?
  BET Title Available 113 Months   Sutures or glue for paedriatric lip lacerations
  BET Title Available 111 Months   Emergency Department primary care interventions for patients with pre-diabetes
  BET Title Available 109 Months   Computed Tomography Head Scan after head injury on patients taking Rivaroxaban
  BET Title Available 108 Months   Tranexamic acid in paediatric major trauma
  BET Title Available 107 Months   Post-operative cognitive dysfunction in fractured neck of femur.
  BET Title Available 107 Months   Alternative Drug Therapy in Adult Cardiac Arrests
  BET Title Available 107 Months   Does antibiotic prophylaxis during dental procedures reduce the incidence of bacterial endocarditis in those with prosthetic heart valves?
  BET Title Available 106 Months   Can we discharge chest pain with Low HEART score with low Trop T
  BET Title Available 106 Months   Is desmopressin of benefit in patients with TBI on antiplatelet agents?
  BET Title Available 95 Months   What is the optimal period of observation for adult patients for a bisphasic response after anaphylaxis?
  BET Title Available 105 Months   Can children with preseptal cellulitis requiring IV antibiotics be treated as outpatients?
  BET Title Available 105 Months   Can children with cellulitis requiring IV antibiotics be treated as outpatients?
  BET Title Available 104 Months   The Use of Mechanical Chest Compression Devices in the Adult Emergency Department
  BET Title Available 103 Months   Accuracy of upper cervical screening tests
  BET Title Available 103 Months   The use of high flow nasal cannula to prevent desaturation in endotracheal intubation during rapid sequence induction.
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