Is dantrolene the best way to treat hyperthermia in patients with cocaine abuse
Report By: Dr Joanne Probert - Clinical Fellow Emergency Medicine
Search checked by Dr Jacqui Macnair - Clinical Fellow Emergeny Medicine
Institution: Bristol Royal Infirmary
Date Submitted: 10th July 2003
Last Modified: 14th August 2008
Green (complete)
Three Part Question
In [patients who are hyperthermic following cocaine abuse] is [adding dantrolene more effective than benzodiazepines alone] at [reducing temperature].Clinical Scenario
A 26-year-old man attends the emergency department having recently used cocaine. He is hyperthermic. You have heard that dantrolene may have a place in the management of hyperthermia in other situations and wonder whether it would be useful now.
Search Strategy
Ovid MEDLINE(R) 1950 to March Week 2 2008. OVID EMBASE 1980 to 2008 Week 11 or exp Dantrolene/or or exp Benzodiazepines/or exp Diazepam/or] AND [ or exp Fever/or exp Temperature/or or exp Body Temperature/or exp Hyperthermia, Induced/or hyperthermi$.mp. or] AND [exp Cocaine-Related Disorders/or or exp Cocaine/]. The Cochrane Library Issue 1 2008. MeSH descriptor Dantrolene explode all trees 27 records 0 relevant records.
Search Outcome
61 articles - none relevant
There were studies using dantrolene in hyperthermia but none in cocaine abuse.
Clinical Bottom Line
There is no data on the use of dantrolene to treat hyperpyrexia associated with cocaine abuse. Local advice should be followed.