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Nonoperative Management of Acute Appendicitis in Adults

Three Part Question

In [adults with acute uncomplicated appendicitis] is [treatment with antibiotics comparable to appendectomy] in [improvement of pain and acute symptoms, hospital cost, and complication rate]?

Clinical Scenario

A 34-year-old female presents to the Emergency Department with abdominal pain and nausea that started 1 day ago and became more intense and moved to the right lower quadrant. She is taking an oral contraceptive pill and has no known drug allergies. Abdominal ultrasonography confirmed a diagnosis of appendicitis. She refuses laparoscopic surgery and is requesting to go home with antibiotics.

Search Strategy

Medline 1966-07/24 using PubMed, Cochrane Library (2024), and Embase
(Appendicitis/drug therapy [MAJR]). LIMIT to adults AND Meta-Analysis

Search Outcome

12 total articles were found; two systematic reviews using meta-analysis were recently published and address the clinical question.

Relevant Paper(s)

Author, date and country Patient group Study type (level of evidence) Outcomes Key results Study Weaknesses
Doleman B, et al
January 2024
13 studies covering 1675 participants randomized to antibiotics and 1683 participants randomized to appendectomySystematic review with meta-analysis Mortality8/1000 in surgery group versus 4/1000 in antibiotic group. OR 0.51 (95% CI 0.05 to 4.95)Significant risk of bias due to lack of blinding, loss to follow up, and imprecision. There were too few data from the included studies to comment on major complications.
Success of treatment840/1000 in surgery group versus 764/1000 in antibiotic group. RR 0.91 (95% CI 0.87 to 0.96)
Appendectomy in the antibiotic group after 1 year30.7%
Abdominal abscess within 1 year21/1000 in surgery group versus 33/1000 in antibiotic group. RR 1.58 (95% CI 0.61 to 4.07)
Wound infection33/1000 in surgery group versus 3/1000 in antibiotic group. RR 0.25 (95% CI 0.09 to 0.68)
Length of hospital stay (days)The mean length of hospital stay after antibiotic treatment was 0.5 days higher (1.4 hours to 1 day)
Brucchi F, et al.
January 2024
Eight RCTs involving 3213 participants (1615 antibiotics/1598 appendectomy) were included.Systematic review with meta-analysisComplication-free treatment successRR = 0.80 favoring surgery (95% CI, 0.71 to 0.90)The significant heterogeneity limits confidence, variations in intervention expertise and the broad timespan of included RCTs may introduce confounding factors.
Treatment efficacy based on 1-year follow-upRR = 0.69 favoring surgery (95% CI, 0.61 to 0.77)
Postoperative complicationsRR = 0.66 favoring surgery (95% CI, 0.41 to 1.04)
Length of hospital stay (days)No significant difference


In children, non-surgical management of appendicitis with broad-spectrum antibiotics is a viable treatment with similar rates of complication and potentially lower healthcare costs and higher patient satisfaction. Large-scale trials in adults have shown antibiotic therapy less expensive and safe, as it has a comparable rate of complications to laparoscopic appendectomy. Although up to one-third of patients treated conservatively experience a recurrence within the first year patients can be successfully treated again with antibiotic therapy [2]. If surgery is required, it does not appear to be associated with increased complications or technical difficulty. Offering nonoperative management and discussing its risks and benefits with the patient is reasonable based on this data.

Clinical Bottom Line

Nonoperative management for uncomplicated appendicitis in adults is equivalent to laparoscopic surgery in terms of complications and hospital length of stay. While its efficacy is lower than surgery, it does not seem to increase long-term complications.


  1. Doleman B, Fonnes S, Lund JN, Boyd-Carson H, Javanmard-Emamghissi H, Moug S, Hollyman M, Tierney G, Tou S, Williams JP. Appendectomy versus antibiotic treatment for acute appendicitis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2024 Apr 29;4(4):CD015038
  2. Brucchi F, Bracchetti G, Fugazzola P, ViganĂ² J, Filisetti C, Ansaloni L, Dal Mas F, Cobianchi L, Danelli P. A meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis comparing nonoperative versus operative management for uncomplicated appendicitis: a focus on randomized controlled trials. World J Emerg Surg. 2024 Jan 13;19(1):2.