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Do Cervical Collars Increase Intercranial Pressure (ICP)

Three Part Question

In [patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI)] Is [the application of a cervical collar compared to no collar significant] At [maintaining intra cranial pressure (ICP)]

Clinical Scenario

You are on scene with a patient who has been assaulted via a blow to the head with an unknown object. The patient has a GCS 8 giving a preliminary diagnosis of serious traumatic brain injury. You also remain suspicious that they may also have a fracture cervical spine which is the case in 5% of patients with TBI. You wonder if the application of cervical collar will increase intracranial pressure (ICP)

Search Strategy

PubMed and Google Scholar (from2020) using search terms:
"Cervical collar" AND "ICP" - "Cervical collar" AND "Intracranial pressure" AND "traumatic brain injury"

Search Outcome

337 papers found, after critical appraisal 4 papers were relevant to the 3 part question and were subsequently used.