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In adults presenting with acute confusion is CRP effective at ruling out an infective cause of acute confusion?

Three Part Question

In [adults presenting with acute confusion] is [CRP] effective at [ruling out an infective cause of acute confusion]

Clinical Scenario

A 55 year old male presents at the emergency department with apparent confusion. There are no obvious signs as to the cause. You wonder if it is due to infection.

Search Strategy

MEDLINE 1950 to June week 4 2010, EMBASE 1980 to 2010 week 26 and the COCHRANE LIBRARY.
(exp confusion/ OR exp delirium/) AND (exp C-reactive protein/) limit to human and English language.

Search Outcome

16 papers were found on Medline, none of which were relevant. 116 papers were found on Embase, none of which were relevant.


There is no evidence towards testing CRP levels when someone presents with acute confusion.

Clinical Bottom Line

There is no evidence to determine whether checking CRP levels is necessary. Local advice should be followed.